***FREE FACEBOOK TIP*** thatll help you close more sales as well - TopicsExpress


***FREE FACEBOOK TIP*** thatll help you close more sales as well get more people to join your business (follow all instructions below): Step 1: Click the SHARE button on my post BELOW this one which can be found on my timeline. Starts with Anyone want a simple and FREE FB technique.... (You will find it below this post on my timeline) SHARE it on your Facebook Timeline. When you click SHARE for that post, the intention is to get 25 or more people that are interested in learning as well engaged on your page. These are extremely HOT prospects and also how you probably got to this post (Do not move to Step 2 without first doing that, trust me, do it now) Step 2: (You must do this step from the FB HOME PAGE, so in order to also stay on this page, simply RIGHT-Click HOME (in the top right corner) and select Open in NEW tab). Then, Simply click ONCE in your FB Graph Search (Search box) up top ^^^, you cant miss it. ....and then select People I may know (first option). This will tell Facebook to show you people that have similar interests as you, that are NOT friends of yours. Simply click the FOLLOW button on as many of them as you like (Facebook does not limit this or have any type of ban for following to many people That doesnt exist so do not worry). By the way, you will start to see many of these people FOLLOW you back Now each person that you click FOLLOW for, also send them a message and not just ANY message...follow the exact script that I use that has created multiple 6 figures a year (including my first year online) as well moving forward. Keep in mind, MOST of the messages will go into that persons INBOX rather than their OTHER folder because Facebook sorta recommended them to you Also, please do realize their will still be a few that tell you it will be sent to their OTHER folder, it wouldnt hurt to also send them a message although its not as effective. (Note: Do not send more than 30 messages with this method a day.....(2) sets of 15 each with about 6 hours a part. Sounds like taking a medication right? It is...and its called Success-itis Okay, now youre probably saying Okay, got it Robert...now where is your script so I can get started Dont I know you so well? (now your nodding your head thinking you sure do)....okay Last step. Step 3: Go to: --> therobertmercado [dot] com You will get my FREE script to use for all of your current and future prospects. Many have already had tremendous success with my script, in fact some have made as much as and extra $10,000 and now its your turn. If you were one of the people to benefit from using my scripts, feel free to let me know below. Oh yeah, one last step (and this is VERY IMPORTANT)... Step 4: Since you have already SHARED my post below this one...(and if you havent, Im officially disappointed with you, although you can fix that by SHARING it now...ASAP). For those who have followed directions, you will be getting comments of YES on the status on your wall from your facebook friends/following and they will be looking for the Facebook Tip that youre talking about. All you do after you have 25 YESs (if its a bit less, thats okay if you have a small audience currently)....all you do is then SHARE this post you are reading right now. This will allow those people to know you share incredible value which builds your credibility fast, also those are 25 people you want to speak to ASAP, and whats a better way then starting off like this and leading into your product or business with them . On top of that, all the people that you now reach out to via the FB Graph Search is more relationships you are building (follow the script I gave you for FREE verbatim). Last Note: Feel Free to SHARE my post below this not only on your timeline but also GROUPS, personal chats you have, your email list, Do a FB Event and just set the link to your shared post URL, etc. ...and simply follow the 4 simple steps above. Also make sure you click FOLLOW on my timeline above and you have Get Notifications selected so that you get my future Marketing Tips (not only FB) and you can continue to provide your following with value. (Note everyone reading this will do the same for your Facebook Wall...and they will start getting all your posts ) When you are DONE with steps 1-3 (since step 4 will be after you have your 25 YESs which can be less if you have a smaller audience or not very engaged Facebook yet. Anyway, when done with at least steps 1-3, comment below DONE. Time to rock and roll......(if you read all the way down this post before doing the steps, then get started right now.....GO!) Boom! (mic drop)
Posted on: Sun, 23 Mar 2014 11:59:52 +0000

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