FREE JONATHAN EDWARDS (SWRB) MP3: A Man May Eternally Undo Himself - TopicsExpress


FREE JONATHAN EDWARDS (SWRB) MP3: A Man May Eternally Undo Himself in One Thought of His Heart sermonaudio/sermoninfo.asp?SID=4241211341510. The Gadarenes Loved Their Swine Better Than Jesus Christ, And Wanted Him to Depart by Jonathan Edwards (Free MP3) Those Whom God Hates He Is Often Pleased To Give Plenty Of Earthly Things To by Jonathan Edwards (Free MP3) puritandownloads/those-whom-god-hates-he-is-often-pleased-to-give-plenty-of-earthly-things-to-by-jonathan-edwards-free-mp3/ There has not been a more valuable extra-biblical resource and tool than the Puritan Hard Drive. - Dr. McMahon, A Puritans Mind (Pastor, Author, Seminary Professor, etc.) _____ Charles Spurgeon wrote: What is the heresy of Rome, but the addition of something to the perfect merits of Jesus Christ--the bringing in of the works of the flesh, to assist in our justification? And what is the heresy of Arminianism but the addition of something to the work of the Redeemer? Every heresy, if brought to the touchstone, will discover itself here. I have my own private opinion that there is no such thing as preaching Christ and Him crucified, unless we preach what nowadays is called Calvinism. It is a nickname to call it Calvinism; Calvinism is the gospel, and nothing else. I do not believe we can preach the gospel, if we do not preach justification by faith, without works; nor unless we preach the sovereignty of God in His dispensation of grace; nor unless we exalt the electing, unchangeable, eternal, immutable, conquering love of Jehovah; nor do I think we can preach the gospel, unless we base it upon the special and particular redemption of His elect and chosen people which Christ wrought out upon the cross; nor can I comprehend a gospel which lets saints fall away after they are called, and suffers the children of God to be burned in the fires of damnation after having once believed in Jesus. Such a gospel I abhor. - Charles Spurgeon, A Defense of Calvinism, cited at ARMINIANISM ANOTHER GOSPEL: JOHN CALVIN, CHARLES SPURGEON, JONATHAN EDWARDS, JOHN OWEN, SAMUEL RUTHERFORD AND OTHER CALVINISTS REFUTING THE HERESY OF ARMINIANISM. (FREE BOOK & FREE MP3s) _____ A Jesuit: Now we have planted the Sovereign Drug Arminianism, OUR FOUNDATION IS ARMINIANISM. - ARMINIANISM ANOTHER GOSPEL: JOHN CALVIN, CHARLES SPURGEON, JONATHAN EDWARDS, JOHN OWEN, SAMUEL RUTHERFORD AND OTHER CALVINISTS REFUTING THE HERESY OF ARMINIANISM. 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The common Christian can now have a world-class Presbyterian and Reformed library at his fingertips, for only pennies per volume. - Dr. Steven Dilday, Pastor of Liberty and Grace Reformed Church in Northern Virginia, President of The Matthew Poole Project, Seminary Professor, Author, Publisher, Founder of Liberty and Grace Reformed Theological Seminary. Dr. Dilday is currently translating (from Latin to English) the Synopsis written by the Puritan Divine, Matthew Poole. This project when completed will consist of approximately 82 volumes. The Biblical Peace of God That Passes All Understanding (The Fruit of the Spirit #15) by Greg Price (Free MP3 and PDFs) puritandownloads/the-biblical-peace-of-god-that-passes-all-understanding-the-fruit-of-the-spirit-15-by-greg-price-free-mp3-and-pdfs/ Justification By Faith Alone In Christ Alone and Peace With God (The Fruit of the Spirit #14) by Greg Price (Free MP3s and PDFs) puritandownloads/justification-by-faith-alone-in-christ-alone-and-peace-with-god-the-fruit-of-the-spirit-14-by-greg-price-free-mp3s-and-pdfs/ Let me tell you how absolutely fantastic the Puritan Hard Drive really is. This is a treasure trove for a local church pastor. The search ability is beyond my expectation. Its absolutely phenomenal. Its the best for the money youll ever get anyplace in books. You cannot exhaust them. Its impossible. Its so vast. But Im telling you, as far as a research tool, its second to none. Unbelievable stuff. And the search, the search function is just beautiful. The Puritan Hard Drive is a treasure trove for a local church pastor. I am greatly improved by it and I anticipate the pace of worldwide reformation to be improved as well. - Pastor Scott Brown (Hope Baptist Church, Wake Forest, NC), Director of The National Center For Family Integrated Churches, Author, Conference Speaker, etc. Jesus Tears and Our Tears by Dr. Joel Beeke (FREE MP3) puritandownloads/jesus-tears-and-our-tears-by-dr-joel-beeke-free-mp3/ Institutes of the Christian Religion #12 (Free Will Refuted & How God Works in the Heart Regarding Salvation and Sanctification. (FREE MP3) puritandownloads/institutes-of-the-christian-religion-12-free-will-refuted-how-god-works-in-the-heart-regarding-salvation-and-sanctification-free-mp3/ The Puritan Hard Drive is a massive collection of primary Puritan resources, dozens of which are very hard to find anywhere else in the world. Any lover of Puritan literature, which, more than any other body of literature ever written, powerfully expands our minds, convicts our consciences, allures our hearts, and moves our hands, will find a treasure trove here. - Dr. Joel R. Beeke, President and Professor of Systematic Theology and Homiletics at Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary, Author of many important Reformed books (including the must read, Meet the Puritans: With A Guide to Modern Reprints), Editorial Director at Reformation Heritage Books, Editor of the Banner of Sovereign Grace Truth magazine and Pastor of Heritage Netherlands Reformed Congregation in Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA. Westminster Larger (Q151) Catechism, Aggravations That Make Some Sins More Heinous by Jim Dodson (Free Reformed MP3) puritandownloads/westminster-larger-q151-catechism-aggravations-that-make-some-sins-more-heinous-by-jim-dodson-free-reformed-mp3/ The 1260 Days Of Revelation (The Year Day Theory In Classic Protestant Eschatological Thought And Scripture) by W.J. Mencarow (Free MP3) puritandownloads/the-1260-days-of-revelation-the-year-day-theory-in-classic-protestant-eschatological-thought-and-scripture-by-w-j-mencarow-free-mp3/ There is no other way to get such easy, convenient and inexpensive access to so many great works from the best Reformation and Puritan preachers and teachers, past and present -- and the study software on the Puritan Hard Drive is out of this world in terms of usefulness! Nothing like the Puritan Hard Drive has ever been available before! The Puritan Hard Drive is the must have digital learning device for Puritan and Reformed studies. - Pastor W.J. Mencarow (Reformation Church, Boerne, Texas - San Antonio area), Author, Editor of The Paper Source Journal, and has been interviewed on numerous radio and TV programs including Good Morning America, most networks and in major U.S. newspapers and magazines, etc. Institutes of the Christian Religion #22 (Of Faith. The Definition of It. Its Peculiar Properties.) (FREE MP3) puritandownloads/institutes-of-the-christian-religion-22-of-faith-the-definition-of-it-its-peculiar-properties-free-mp3/ If you want to understand Reformed theology (i.e., the whole counsel of God) the Puritan Hard Drive is unsurpassed, outside the Bible itself. - Pastor Greg Price (Covenanter Author and Theologian) As Spiritual Mediator, Pope Francis Moves His Geopolitical Agenda Forward (By False Ecumenicalism, Heresy and Lies) By Richard Bennett (Former Roman Catholic Priest, Now A Christian) and Robert Nicholson 1,000s of FREE REFORMED MP3s, VIDEOS & BOOKS As a self-confessed computer bozo (if not leaning somewhat towards computer-phobic at times) I am delighted to report that the technical, usability, etc., side of the Puritan Hard Drive has presented no challenges to me whatsoever! It is as simple as ABC! - Terence Ellard (Christian Evangelist, England) FREE SWRB iPhone & iPad App Puritan Hard Drive Reviews I simply could not have imagined such a resource before getting my hands on it! To have that much information from a consistent, biblical, orthodox, and gospel-centered point of view is simply astonishing. - Dr. Voddie Baucham So why do Western governments and media pretend that the Nigerian Islamic terrorist group, Boko Haram, means Western Education is sacrilege? We all know what Halaal means in Arabic: something lawful or permitted, as in Halaal food. Similarly Haram is the Arabic for forbidden. Boko is the Arabic for the Book, always understood in the Quran to mean, the Bible. Hence the Quran refers to Christians as people of the Book. So anyone understanding Arabic and Islam would understand the etymology of Boko Haram to mean The Bible is forbidden. There can be no other explanation. - Peter Hammond (Frontline Fellowship), War on Christians in the Middle East (Free MP3) at sermonaudio/sermoninfo.asp?SID=81514631581 So in love is Christ with holiness that he will buy it with his blood for us. - John Flavel (on the Puritan Hard Drive, Do You Put the Lord Jesus First Above All Else?, How Riches Keep Men Out Of Heaven & Judgment Day By Greg Price, Paul Washer & Others Never been a resource as useful as the Puritan Hard Drive. - Paul Washer, HeartCry Missionary Society Another instance in which posterity is recognized in covenant obligation is found in Joshua 9:15. This covenant was made between the children of Israel and the Gibeonites. Between four and five hundred years after that time, the children of Israel are visited with a very severe famine, in the days of David. 2 Sam. 21:1. And it is expressly declared by the Lord that, It is for Saul, and for his bloody house, because he slew the Gibeonites. And at the same time, v. 2, that very covenant is recognized, and the breach of it is stated, as being the formal reason of the divine displeasure. Now, had it not been for this covenant, the extirpation of the Gibeonites would not have been imputed to Israel as a thing criminal; for they were comprehended in Canaanitish nations, which God had commanded them to root out. - William L. Roberts, The Reformed Presbyterian Catechism (1853, emphases added), pp. 139-140, on the Puritan Hard Drive Covenants and Covenanting (Introduction) by Greg Price (7 Free MP3s) sermonaudio/go/122143 A Defense of Covenanting & the Solemn League & Covenant (21 FREE MP3s) by Greg Price or tinysa/62393 AMAZING SHORT VIDEO REVIEW OF PURITAN HARD DRIVE Leading atheists have already suggested that if homeschooling parents dont teach their children evolution then they should be taken from their parents; or if Christians are so dumb as to believe in biblical creation, they should be denied the vote. 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VODDIE BAUCHAM RECOMMENDS THE PURITAN HARD DRIVE or puritandownloads/dr-voddie-baucham-jr-on-the-puritan-hard-drive/ MANY MORE PURITAN HARD DRIVE REVIEWS AT The History of the Service of Song: Real Reformation, Faithful Worship And Praising The Lord Jesus Christ Through Songs by Dr. Steven Dilday The Mystery Of Predestination, Gods Sovereign Predestination of Jacob and Esau, and What Does the Bible Mean When It States That God Loved Jacob and Hated Esau In Romans Nine? By Dr. Joel Beeke, John Calvin Others (Free MP3s, Videos, Etc.) The Decree of God by Dr. Steven Dilday, A.W. Pink, Stephen Charnock, Greg Price, Loraine Boettner, et al. (14 Free Calvinist MP3s) Dr. Matthew McMahon Reviews and Recommends the Puritan Hard Drive
Posted on: Sat, 24 Jan 2015 02:42:02 +0000

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