FREE MP3: Who is Antichrist (666)?; or, Lectures Upon the - TopicsExpress


FREE MP3: Who is Antichrist (666)?; or, Lectures Upon the Principal Prophecies of the Revelation (1814) sermonaudio/sermoninfo.asp?SID=6160293715 Eschatology of Christs Victory Top Ten Puritan Hard Drive Reviews (So Far) Antichrist and the Mystery of Iniquity Working, As Prophesied In the Bible, by Dr. Steven Dilday, W.J. Mencarow, Richard Bennett, Greg Price and Others (Free MP3s) puritandownloads/antichrist-and-the-mystery-of-iniquity-working-as-prophesied-in-the-bible-by-dr-steven-dilday-w-j-mencarow-richard-bennett-greg-price-and-others-free-mp3s/ ANTICHRIST IN CLASSIC REFORMATION TEACHING BY JOHN CALVIN, JONATHAN EDWARDS, DR. STEVEN DILDAY, JAMES DURHAM, RICHARD BENNETT, J.A. WYLIE, GREG PRICE, JOHN FOXE, DAVID STEELE, W.J. MENCAROW, ET AL. (FREE MP3S, BOOKS, ETC.) Free MP3s: Antichrist and Eschatology In the Teachings of the Early Church Fathers by Dr. Steven Dilday How Reformed Eschatology Pinpoints Antichrist In the Bible; or, The Papacy Prophesied In Scripture (Free Reformed MP3s, Books & Videos) The Antichrist, Man Of Sin, In Our Midst, Classic Reformed Eschatology & Prophecy by Richard Bennett, W.J. Mencarow, Greg Price, et al. (Free Videos, MP3s, PDFs, etc.) Top Ten Puritan Hard Drive Reviews (So Far) 4 FREE MP3s: A Warning Against Backsliding, False Worship and False Teachers: A Serious Caveat by John Flavel sermonaudio/go/159071 ANTICHRIST: TEACHINGS & PRACTICES OF THE MAN OF SIN NOW IN PROTESTANT CHURCHES (REVELATION 17-18) A Jesuit: Now we have planted the Sovereign Drug Arminianism, OUR FOUNDATION IS ARMINIANISM. - Arminianism Another Gospel (Free MP3 & PDF) Top Ten Puritan Hard Drive Reviews (So Far) Arminianism Agrees With Roman Catholicism And Calvinism Agrees With The Bible by Richard Bennett, Former Roman Catholic Priest, Now A Preacher Of Gods Sovereign Grace (Free MP3 & Video) puritandownloads/arminianism-agrees-with-roman-catholicism-and-calvinism-agrees-with-the-bible-free-reformation-videos-mp3s-etc/ Is Popery the Antichrist? or The Tendency of Prophecy to Describe Things According to the Reality, Rather that the Appearance or Profession by Patrick Fairbairn puritandownloads/great-debate-is-the-papacy-the-antichrist-free-mp3s-videos-etc/ Antichrists (Romes) Idolatry Rebuked 1 of 2 by John Owen (Free MP3) puritandownloads/antichrists-romes-idolatry-rebuked-1-of-2-by-john-owen/ Antichrists (Romes) Idolatry Rebuked 2 of 2 by John Owen (Free MP3) puritandownloads/antichrists-romes-idolatry-rebuked-2-of-2-by-john-owen/ Top Ten Puritan Hard Drive Reviews (So Far) Concerning Liturgies & Their Imposition #1 Puritan/Reformation Worship Vs. Innovations of Antichrist/Rome & Her Harlot Daughters by John Owen (Free Reformation Resources) puritandownloads/concerning-liturgies-their-imposition-1-puritan-reformation-worship-vs-innovations-of-antichrist-rome-her-harlot-daughters-by-john-owen/ Antichrists Strategy: Roman Catholic Agenda Embedded In Manhattan Declaration by R.C. Sproul, John MacArthur, James White, Richard Bennett, W.J. Mencarow, Dr. Steven Dilday and Greg Price (Free Reformation Resources) puritandownloads/antichrists-strategy-roman-catholic-agenda-embedded-in-manhattan-declaration-by-r-c-sproul-john-macarthur-james-white-richard-bennett-w-j-mencarow-dr-steven-dilday-and-greg-price-free-reformation-resources/ FREE MP3 & VIDEO: A Brief History of Roman Persecution (Inquisition, Torture, etc., Of Faithful Christians By the Papal Antichrist) by Richard Bennett, former Roman Catholic Priest who is now a Christian The Roman Catholic (Papal, Jesuit) Inquisition, By Former Roman Catholic Priest Richard Bennett (Free Videos & MP3s) Top Ten Puritan Hard Drive Reviews (So Far) Hymns of human composition are used so commonly now in public worship by Presbyterian churches that it is difficult to believe that the practice is not a hundred years old, and that in some of the churches it is of very recent date. On the supposition that it is good and dutiful and wise to sing such hymns in worship, it is equally difficult to account for the neglect of the churches at the time of the Reformation, and for generations afterwards. What could have so blinded the reformers as to make them reject hymns and sing the Psalms alone? How could the Westminster Divines, in framing their Confession of Faith and Directory for Worship, have been so unanimous in the blunder that the service of praise is to consist of the singing of Psalms? And apart from the aspect of duty, how could the Presbyterian churches, for about a hundred and fifty or two hundred years after the Westminster Assembly, have been so insensible to the power of hymns as an attractive addition to their public services? We cannot by any means understand how it was that, if it was dutiful to use hymns in worship, the reformers did not discover the Scriptural warrant for the duty, especially as hymns had been used for centuries by the Church of Rome. Nor can we understand how they rejected the hymns and used the Psalms alone, unless on the supposition that they believed the use of hymns to be part of the will-worship of Rome. If they were wrong on this point, then Rome and our modern Presbyterian churches are right. In that case, the Puritans and Covenanters were fanatics, and Romanists were truly enlightened! And most of our Presbyterian churches of the present day were fanatical too, and did not become truly enlightened and liberal till they got back to the Romish practice! - James Dick, Hymns and Hymn Books (1883), on the Puritan Hard Drive, The Puritans On Exclusive Psalmody (Free MP3s, Videos, Books, etc.) The Key To Pope Franciss Jesuit Identity By Richard Bennett (Former Roman Catholic Priest Who Is Now A Christian) Pope Francis: The Mystery of Iniquity Continues by Richard Bennett (Free Reformed MP3s, Videos and Books) Free MP3s: Antichrist (Man of Sin, 666) and Eschatology In the Teachings of the Early Church Fathers by Dr. Steven Dilday puritandownloads/free-mp3s-antichrist-man-of-sin-666-and-eschatology-in-the-teachings-of-the-early-church-fathers-by-dr-steven-dilday/ The Papal Antichrists (Roman Catholic) Inquisition By A Former Roman Catholic Priest, Richard Bennett, and Others (Free Videos & MP3s) puritandownloads/the-papal-antichrists-roman-catholic-inquisition-by-a-former-roman-catholic-priest-richard-bennett-and-others-free-videos-mp3s/ Pope Francis Shows His True Colors By Richard Bennett (Former Roman Catholic Priest) and Classic Reformation Teaching On Antichrist and the Jesuits by John Calvin, Greg Price, Charles Spurgeon and Others (Free Videos, MP3s Books etc) Top Ten Puritan Hard Drive Reviews (So Far) Classic Reformation Eschatology Identifying The Beast & False Prophet By Greg Price (4 Free MP3s) With Many More Free MP3s On the Beast & False Prophet By John Calvin, Dr. Steven Dilday, Jonathan Edwards, W.J. Mencarow, Charles Spurgeon et al. puritandownloads/classic-reformation-eschatology-identifying-the-beast-false-prophet-by-greg-price-4-free-mp3s-with-many-more-free-mp3s-on-the-beast-false-prophet-by-john-calvin-dr-steven-dilday-jonathan-edwards-w-j-mencarow-charles-spurgeon-et-al/ Antichrist Revealed by Pastor Greg Price, Jonathan Edwards, Charles Spurgeon, J.A. Wylie, John Owen, John Calvin, David Steele, George Gillespie, Richard Bennett, Dr. Steven Dilday, John Foxe, and Others (Free Reformed MP3s, Videos, Books) puritandownloads/blog/antichrist-revealed-by-pastor-greg-price-jonathan-edwards-charles-spurgeon-ja-wylie-john-owen-john-calvin-david-steele-george-gillespie-richard-bennett-dr-steven-dilday-john-foxe-and-others-free-reformed-mp3s-videos-boo/ Jim Dodsons Trying the Spirits To Avoid Antichrist, How To Avoid Antichrists False Doctrine (Arminianism, Sacramentalism, Etc.), Antichrists False Worship (the Mass, Man-Made Hymns, Musical Instruments, Etc.), Antichrists Holy Days 1,000s of FREE REFORMED MP3s, VIDEOS & BOOKS ARMINIANISM ANOTHER GOSPEL (FREE BOOK & FREE MP3s) puritandownloads/arminianism-another-gospel-john-calvin-charles-spurgeon-jonathan-edwards-john-owen-samuel-rutherford-and-other-calvinists-refuting-the-heresy-of-arminianism-free-book-free-mp3s/ Top Ten Puritan Hard Drive Reviews (So Far) _____ The Regulative Principle of Worship (which is really just sola Scriptura in worship - ed.) as found in Gods Word is accurately summarized for us in the Westminster Confession of Faith 21:1: But the acceptable way of worshiping the true God is instituted by himself, and so limited by his own revealed will, that he may not be worshipped according to the imaginations and devices of men, or the suggestions of Satan, under any visible representation, or any other way not prescribed in the holy Scripture. In like manner, carefully note the answer given to question 109 of the Larger Catechism (What are the sins forbidden in the second commandment?): The sins forbidden in the second commandment are, all devising, counselling, commanding, using and any wise approving, any religious worship not instituted by God himself; tolerating a false religion; the making any representation of God, of all or of any of the three persons, either inwardly in our mind, or outwardly in any kind of image or likeness of any creature whatsoever... corrupting the worship of God, adding to it, or taking from it, whether invented and taken up of ourselves, or received by tradition from others, though under the title of antiquity, custom, devotion, good intent, or any other pretence whatsoever... all neglect, contempt, hindering, and opposing the worship and ordinances which God hath appointed. A short summary of the Regulative Principle of Worship is simply this: What Scripture does not authorize it forbids. Most churches (Romish churches, Orthodox churches, Anglican churches, Lutheran, Baptist, Methodist, Pentecostal, Evangelical, and most Reformed and Presbyterian churches) are operating on an altogether different principle from the one just stated. The principle they are operating on is: What Scripture does not forbid, it permits. Since Christ in the New Covenant has not expressly forbidden drama, dancing, candles, incense, musical instruments, uninspired hymns, crossing oneself, banners, crosses, images, etc. within the house of God, the vast majority of churches today permit these (to lesser or greater degrees) and many more practices into their worship services. However, the Regulative Principle of Worship would prevent all the above practices into the worship of God because they are all without the authorization of Christ, the mediator of the New Covenant. In other words, every religious practice or symbol in the worship of Gods people must have a divine warrant from Gods Word either by (1) command; or by (2) authorized example of the apostles; or by (3) good and necessary inference. - Greg Price, Foundation for Reformation: The Regulative Principle of Worship, on the PURITAN HARD DRIVE and free at swrb/newslett/actualnls/REFORMATION-RPW-GP.htm _____ Top Ten Puritan Hard Drive Reviews (So Far) Covenanter Martyrs & Gods Sovereignty (Free MP3s & Videos, Discounted Books, Great Quotes, etc.) George Gillespie, Reformations Refining Fire John Calvins Commentary On Ezekiel, First Time Ever As A Free Audio Book (34 Free MP3s) Heaven: Unimaginably Wonderful & Delightful (Free Christian MP3s) Top Ten Puritan Hard Drive Reviews (So Far) It would not be possible for me too earnestly to press upon you the importance of reading the expositions of that prince among men, JOHN CALVIN. I am afraid that scant purses may debar you from their purchase, but if it be possible procure them... You will find the twenty-two goodly volumes worth their weight in gold. Of all the commentators I believe John Calvin to be the most candid... He was no trimmer and pruner of texts. He gave their meaning as far as he knew it... He labored to declare not his own mind upon the Spirits words, but the mind of the Spirit as couched in those words. - Charles Spurgeon Hell: Unimaginable & Unending Torments, Pain, etc. By Dr. Curt Daniel, Jonathan Edwards, Paul Washer, Charles Spurgeon & Others (Free MP3s) The Great and Final Judgment Day, Free Christian MP3s, Videos, Books, etc. Top Ten Puritan Hard Drive Reviews (So Far) John Calvin was by far the greatest of the Reformers with respect to the talents he possessed, the influence he exerted, and the services he rendered in the establishment and diffusion of important truth... Calvin is the man who, next to St. Paul, has done most good to mankind. - William Cunningham (on the Puritan Hard Drive ) Over 5,500 No Cost SWRB Reformation MP3s, Videos and PDFs at SermonAudio sermonaudio/swrb FREE SWRB iPhone & iPad App FREE SWRB ANDROID APP Free MP3: War Against The Idols: The Reformation of Worship From Erasmus to Calvin - John Calvin In 1550, Calvin proudly wrote to Melancthon: many, in order to avoid idolatry, are fleeing France and are coming to us in voluntary exile.1 Calvin often refers to idolatry as if were a plague: Once an area becomes infected with this virus, the only way the residents can escape contagion is by fleeing. Those who remain behind, surrounded by the disease, risk infection every day as long as they come into contact with its victims. Calvin was aware that not everyone was free to emigrate, but he continually stressed that for those who found it possible, it was the wisest course to follow: Now, consider whether you can have peace with God and your own conscience while you persevere in your present state . . . We have no direct revelation commanding us to leave the country, but since we have the commandment to honor God in body and soul, wherever we may be, what else could we do? It is certainly to us, then, that these words are also addressed, Get thee out of thy country and from thy kindred [Gen. 12:1]; as long as we are there constrained to act against our conscience, and cannot live for the glory of God. Calvin adds that one should regard as filth and dung everything which hinders one from being a good Christian; if anything separates one from God, who is the true life, then it can only lead to death. - Carlos Eire, War Against the Idols: The Reformation of Worship from Erasmus to Calvin (Cambridge University Press, 1990), pp. 260-261. Top Ten Puritan Hard Drive Reviews (So Far) Let us use great caution that neither our thoughts nor our speech go beyond the limits to which the Word of God itself extends. - John Calvin The Moral Law Of God By Al Martin (16 Free MP3s) & Other Reformed Ministers (Free MP3s, Books, etc.) Jesus said: If ye love me, keep my commandments. - John 14:15 “To be Christians under the law of grace does not mean to wander unbridled outside the law, but to be engrafted in Christ, by whose grace we are free from the curse of the law, and by whose Spirit we have the law engraved upon our hearts.” - John Calvin Top Ten Puritan Hard Drive Reviews (So Far) Antinomianism Refuted, Free & Sovereign Grace, Christian Liberty & Gods Law Defended by the John Flavel, Samuel Rutherford, Greg Price, Charles Spurgeon, Dr. Reg Barrow, Burgess, Thornwell, Dabney, et al. (Free MP3s, Books, etc.) puritandownloads/antinomianism-refuted-free-sovereign-grace-christian-liberty-gods-law-defended-by-the-john-flavel-samuel-rutherford-greg-price-charles-spurgeon-dr-reg-barrow-burgess-thornwell-dabney-et-al-free-mp3s-books-etc/ Justification By Faith Alone Through Grace Alone By Christ Alone and Peace With God (1 of 2) by Charles Spurgeon puritandownloads/justification-by-faith-alone-through-grace-alone-by-christ-alone-and-peace-with-god-1-of-2-by-charles-spurgeon/ Justification By Faith Alone Through Grace Alone By Christ Alone and Peace With God (2 of 2) by Charles Spurgeon puritandownloads/justification-by-faith-alone-through-grace-alone-by-christ-alone-and-peace-with-god-2-of-2-by-charles-spurgeon/ John 14:21 He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me: and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him. Attributes & Holiness of God PURITAN WORSHIP: PICTURES OF CHRIST, THE SECOND COMMANDMENT (REGULATIVE PRINCIPLE OF WORSHIP) AND IDOLATRY I deny that See to be Apostolical, wherein nought is seen but a shocking apostasy -- I deny him to be the Vicar of Christ, who, in furiously persecuting the gospel, demonstrates by his conduct that he is Antichrist. - John Calvin, The Necessity of Reforming the Church, 1544 (Free Book) swrb/newslett/freebook/jcalvin.htm On the Duty of Covenanting and the Permanent Obligations of Religious Covenants being section 11 in the Reformed Presbyterian Catechism by William Roberts (1853) (All the Scripture you will ever need to prove that covenanting is an ordinance of God and a moral duty for men.)swrb/newslett/actualnls/PresCatCov.htm Assurance of Salvation by Dr. Joel Beeke, Owen, Spurgeon, Edwards, Greg Price, et al. (111 Free MP3s, Books, Articles) puritandownloads/assurance-of-salvation-by-dr-joel-beeke-owen-spurgeon-edwards-greg-price-et-al-111-free-mp3s-books-articles/ Top Ten Puritan Hard Drive Reviews (So Far) FREE MP3: Who is Antichrist (666)?; or, Lectures Upon the Principal Prophecies of the Revelation (1814) sermonaudio/sermoninfo.asp?SID=6160293715
Posted on: Mon, 29 Dec 2014 01:05:01 +0000

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