FREE ********* TAROTSCOPE ********** 2015 - TopicsExpress


FREE ********* TAROTSCOPE ********** 2015 ************CAPRICORN********** 22/12- 20/1 LIKE PAGE,SHARE TO YOUR TIMELINE TO REREAD DURING MONTH,TAG YOUR FRIENDS,THIS IS FOR MONTH OF JANUARY WITH EXTENDED YEAR LONG OIVERVIEW !!!!!! watch your back for 2 reasons firstly stress & physical pain secondly for work or so called friendships..someone you would of considered loyal is about to turn on you with information that you consider private..dont be foolish to think that people wont stab you in the back with the sword you have handed to them for their own benefit be on guard the whole year... a need to know basis of private affairs is advised the other point is that they will cover their tracks & seem completely innocent as they attack you & watch you suffer with blank expression you have majorly underestimated this persons evil side !! if actual pain & injury has occurred be warned that proper relaxation & rehabilitation is required to get you back to strength or you will be blighted with this for years to come..exercise posture & massages & required perhaps even wearing a brace for support when walking lifting etc worries related around children & those that need to be counselled & protected or guided by you will show a huge influx in your energy this year & you may feel overwhelmed with this sense of responsibility .. dont run from your charges take it on let your sense of spirituality guide you rather than what you were raised with times change your knowledge & common sense has changed since you were a child so listen to your gut & your heart rather than times n eras of bygone.. if you feel you are not doing enough family or loving wise then focus on who needs you rather than who you want to need you... this year in general is about focussing on what matters dont waste time trying to impress fools they wont be there for you when you need it... feeling betrayed by family members mid march as a turn in attitudes once again stings you in the tail.. nothing has really changed you just let your guard down once again to those that are jealous & spiteful.. perhaps learning the lessons & seeing those for their true colours rather than constantly forgiving & forgetting traits that would not suit the devil !!! this feeling of rejection & hurt will pull down your inner self confidence once again as you question why they deem it acceptable to treat you in this throw away fashion.. perhaps this is happening to you to finally teach you to stand up for your beliefs to pull yourself up higher elevation & rather than self destruction.. this pain could bring on a very negative effect business wise as you lose confidence in your core belief in yourself...dont allow this to happen talk to your angels ask them to show you your self worth on happy notes & predictions in close relationships love support & trust will be built & friends, wives,females with good mothering skills will nurturing & give you brilliant advice that you should heed...good luck will be connected to a lover you carry secure bonds with adventures will be had & memories made build up on these positive situations rather than letting upsetting ones control your mind set female angels & spirit guardians will be watching over you this year in particular call them in ... thank them in their continued love & support of you take warning that you may be out of luck come august as money will be spent faster than it can be attained bad investments or breakages of all kinds will pull you to the wire so if you can heed this now & make provisions you will be able to cope far better than just letting it happen !! get a large bottle & empty your change into it or any winnings you may receive it all adds up quickly !! make sure insurance is up to date or added insurance is taken out on precious & expensive objects.. if bad business deals or lack of funds through work occur again this little nest egg will see you through the transition period this change is being directed to allow you to bring around changes to take you in another direction dont ignore it or try to manipulate it in a different direction because it will make the journey a thousand times harder ... new work & business deals will be coming up in the final quarter of the year with great new opportunities travel & going beyond your usual boundaries are all showing up... the only problems are coming to you through a spiteful woman who will threatened by your abilities to do well I suggest using it to spur you on to go further rather than to make you realise any insecurities ... on a final note showing appreciation to those that do support you & seeing true friends their devotion to you should be rewarded not scorned..know your true friends but trust people who show you their nasty side !! learn lessons this year be grateful to see your own worth
Posted on: Sat, 03 Jan 2015 13:03:40 +0000

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