FREE TO READ - FOR A LIMITED TIME! :) READ THIS BOOK FREE - JUST COMMENT OR MESSAGE ME YOUR E-MAIL ADDRESS & YOULL RECEIVE A COPY OF THE ORIGINAL WORD DOCUMENT FILE OF MY BOOK DEVIL JOHN WRIGHT: HIS LIFE & TIMES! DECIDE FOR YOURSELF IF THIS IS OR ISNT THE MOST HISTORICALLY ACCURATE BIOGRAPHY TO DATE ABOUT THE EXTRAORDINARY MAN & UNIQUELY AMERICAN LEGEND, DEVIL JOHN WRIGHT! NOTE: This is the “raw” WORD file & doesn’t have the formatting & spacing “attractiveness” of the published “end product” available on Kindle & Amazon. ~ In 1970 I turned 10 & my family returned to the Wise County, Virginia area after being away for 8 years. My Uncle “Chid” ( William T. Wright ) gave me a signed copy of the book he’d just published about his Dad, my great, great grandfather, Devil John Wright! That same year, living in Big Stone Gap, I was given my first copy of “The Trail of the Lonesome Pine!” I WAS HOOKED! From then on I collected and was curious about all things “Devil John!” For the next 3+ years I hung on every word, every answer to my kid’s questions, that my great grandma Bertie, the daughter of Devil John, spoke to me, until she went to the Lord. I then spent the next 6 years, until I was 20, doing the same with her husband & son-in-law of Devil John’s - my great grandpa, Willie Church! It was myself who lived and cared for Willie in the last months of his life, living with him at the old home place in Flat Gap, just a few miles from Devil John’s grave. I was so fortunate because he & I whiled away the days talking about his life and the life & times of Devil John and the other ancestors - we did so while my portable cassette tape recorder saved forever the marvelous heritage & insights to that heritage such an eyewitness as my great grandfather possessed. All too soon, he too went to Heaven in 1980. I, however, kept my mission to learn & collect as much regarding the rich history of my ancestors as possible - for the next 30 years! This included conducting several trips in the late 90s to Letcher Co. From my home ( then ) in Cincinnati. Coordinating with the Letcher County Historical Society, I conducted further interviews with local historians, artisans & actual, surviving eyewitnesses to the history regarding Devil John Wright! ~ In 2010, at age 50, I decided to sit down with the enormous amount of books, booklets, articles, recordings, testimonies, official government documents and reams of notes & photos I’d collected after 40 years and write a biography of my great, great grandfather which my 5 grandkids & 2 nephews could understand & learn the BASIC HISTORY of Devil John Wright and the times & events associated with his life - during the reading time of a single sitting! What is contained in the attached file & available in physical book form on Amazon is the result of 2 years of attempting to fulfill that goal. It’s offered here for your consideration. If you find IT IS NOT a scandalous WORK OF FICTION, as some have recently charged on Facebook, it is my hope that you won’t hesitate to say so to those who would have you never see this book at all!! THANKS! :) Phil Church 11/09/14
Posted on: Mon, 10 Nov 2014 15:45:10 +0000

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