FREE WILL BAPTISTS - PERVERTING THE GOSPEL OF THE GRACE OF GOD ... I made a Youtube video some months ago on the subject, Why I Am Not a Southern Baptist. I left the Convention in 1972, never to return. Although I left primarily over the issue of the Cooperative Program, the SBC is more corrupt now in standards, Bible versions, contemporary music, and liberalism than it was when I left. As much as I am separated from ever again becoming a Southern Baptist, I am amazed at the number of people who dont seem to realize how doctrinally perverse the Free Will Baptists are. While they have some of the same issues mentioned above that the Southern Baptists have, the Free Will Baptists pervert the gospel of the grace of God, rejecting the doctrine of eternal security. When questioned about it, they will deny this, but as you continue to question them, you will learn that they do not believe that every born again believer is saved forever. The Free Will Baptists talk out of both sides of their mouths because of the pressure of Bible-believing Baptists of all types (the Southern Baptists DO believe in eternal security, if they understand what they have historically believed from the Bible). However, when it comes down to the core issue, they, like all unsaved religionists, are counting on their works to get them to heaven. The entire books of Romans and Galatians deal with their heresy on this, and every Christian would do well to study these epistles. While I dont recommend Southern Baptist churches, mostly because of the Cooperative Program, a move from a Free Will Baptist church to a Southern Baptist church would certainly be a step in the right direction. Of course, a Christian with an open heart and some spiritual discernment could skip a grade and move right on into a Bible-believing, fundamental, independent Baptist church and be much better off. :)
Posted on: Sun, 01 Jun 2014 11:46:18 +0000

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