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FREE to all Stellies gals (and guys) if you have wheels... Amazing Discoveries presents THE PROPHECY CODE BEGINS TUESDAY 2 September at 7:15p.m. YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO A UNIQUE SEMINAR SERIES In an Age of Uncertainty, people are searching for Answers to Questions about Life, Death, Spiritual Meaning... and the Future. “The Prophecy Code” is an extraordinary journey through the Corridors of Time ... a Fascinating Series on what the Bible has to say about our tumultuous times and where we’re headed. UNDERSTAND THE PAST - MAKE SENSE OF THE PRESENT - KNOW THE FUTURE BEGINS TUESDAY 2 September at 7:15p.m. VENUE: Hottentots Holland High School Hall, Island (Eiland) Street (Off N2 and Lourens Street) Somerset West TIME: Tuesdays & Thursdays at 7:15 p.m. Sundays at 6:30 p.m. Reserve your seat by phoning: (021) 855 1940 or 083 579 4080 EXPENSE: DONATION ONLY (R150 for Seminar Materials If Required) Security Parking Provided Special program for children aged 3 - 8 Meet our Presenter - Peter Dalbock Captivating Speaker for “Amazing Discoveries” International Peter is a qualified Scientist, Author, and Spiritual Leader. As a former agnostic and rock musician, he has walked a long road in search of Light, Meaning and Spiritual Fulfilment . In 1999 Peter completed his MA degree, specializing in the prophecies of Daniel and Revelation. Since then he has become a popular speaker throughout Southern Africa in the fields of Archaeology, Bible Prophecy and Christian Apologetics. Large audiences have been thrilled by his lectures on the trustworthiness of the Bible, and his clear explanation of world events in the light of the Bible’s predictions. In this series he will share a deep and penetrating look at the real issues behind the perplexing events of our day. Utilizing the latest computer graphics, he will take you on a fascinating journey into the ancient past ... the present ... and then into the future. In the light of current world events, you will be amazed at how accurate - and relevant - these prophecies are for our generation. They bring Hope, Assurance and Meaning ... to a world filled with Crisis, Perplexity and Uncertainty. SOME TOPICS PRESENTED: Tues 2 Sept - ON THE EDGE OF TOMORROW! WHAT DOES THE FUTURE HOLD? An Ancient Prophecy speaks to the Present and Dramatically Reveals the Future Thur 4 Sept - VOICES FROM THE PAST: CAN WE TRUST THE BIBLE? The Mysteries of Egypt - and Relics from the Ancient Near East - testify to the Accuracy of God’s Word Sun 7 Sept - AMAZING DISCOVERIES IN LOST CITIES OF THE DEAD Archaeological Secrets, Hidden for Centuries, confirm the Uncanny Accuracy of the Bible’s Predictions Tues 9 Sept - PROPHECY’S FINAL COUNTDOWN: SIGNS YOU CANNOT IGNORE! A message of Hope for a Troubled World, the Future ... and You! Thur 11 Sept- LORD, LIAR OR LUNATIC? Was Jesus Really who He claimed to be? How can we know for sure? Sun 14 Sept - THE BIBLE’S MOST AMAZING PROPHECY Discover why millions are forbidden to read the Mysterious ‘Cursed Chapter’ of the Prophet Daniel Tues 16 Sept - WHY DO BAD THINGS HAPPEN TO GOOD PEOPLE? Syria, Sudan and 911! How can a God of Love allow so much Suffering in our World? Thur 18 Sept - THE GREAT PRETENDER: UNMASKING THE ANTI-CHRIST Who is this Mystery Man of Bible Prophecy? Is he already subtly at work? Sun 21 Sept - MYSTERY OF THE LOST ARK & GOD’S FINAL MESSAGE TO OUR WORLD Discover the Secret to Inner Peace - and How Angels are Communicating with Planet Earth today Tues 23 Sept - EMPIRES IN THE DUST: WHY DO GREAT CIVILIZATIONS FALL? Why is our World in such a Mess? Does what Sir Arnold Toynbee discovered apply to us Today? Thur 25 Sept - THE SEARCH FOR IMMORTALITY & THE MYSTIC REALM OF DEATH What really happens at Death? Can we ‘Cross Over’ and Connect? A fresh look at ‘Life after Life’ through Modern Science and the Bible DURING THIS SERIES YOU WILL ALSO LEARN ABOUT: * The New World Order: Where is it Leading Us? * 666 - Who is the Beast and How to Avoid it’s Mark? * The Rise and Fall of Modern-day Babylon * The Greatest Cover-up of All Time * The USA in Bible Prophecy * History’s Coming Climax * Spiritual Deceptions in our Day IN AN AGE OF UNCERTAINTY GOD’S WORD PROVIDES SOLID ANSWERS What others have said: “A captivating and thoroughly engrossing series that provides clear answers about the Bible ... and it’s Predictions. Finally! ... Here we have a seminar series that really makes sense!” Mike Fouche, Cape Town “I have never heard the Bible’s prophecies so clearly explained. Stunning computer graphics make the prophecies of Daniel & Revelation come alive!” Neil Newman, East London “I now discern new meaning in current world events. I have inner peace... and renewed hope and confidence in the future! Denise Killian, Port Elizabeth “I never dreamed I would learn so much. This experience has enriched me ... and brought incredible meaning to my life!” Paul O’Brien, Fish Hoek
Posted on: Tue, 26 Aug 2014 16:28:09 +0000

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