FREEDOM FROM VOICES AND VISUAL DELUSIONS Hi guys! I just want to share something really personal, and amazing with you all! As some of your already know, nearly two years ago my brother killed somebody, one of his friends, in the midst of a psychotic episode, or psychosis. He has been diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia for about 10 years, suffering delusions and hearing voices since he was a young boy. He has been in and out of many psych hospitals, undergoing all the harsh, and sometimes life threatening, treatments to get him to a point of sanity – all failing. For the last 1.5 years he’s been in a special high security psychotic hospital (the prison alternative) and has remained up and down in his treatment, although, because they have time (he was given 25 years) they don’t rush things, or use any harsh treatments. Just before Christmas I had an opportunity to go and spend time with him, accompanied by a nurse. We sat on a bench in the sun and I asked if I could hold his hand. After a few minutes I asked if he had any needs that I could pray for, and he looked at me and said “yes, my back”. I instantly remembered that he had been having trouble with it all year and no treatment had helped him, so I put a hand on his back, and let the Spirit move. I said very few words, but I watched as peace came over him and he completely relaxed. After a while he opened his eyes and looked at me and I asked about his back. He said that all the pain was completely gone. He was amazed. I asked how he felt, and he told me that he had great peace and felt warm in his heart (putting his hand on his chest). I asked if he wanted me to pray for anything else, and after a few minutes he said, “Yes, I want to know the truth”. I was so excited by this as hes been believing lies for sooooo many years!!! So we prayed again and afterwards I encouraged him to pray in the Spirit and build himself up, letting the Holy Spirit reveal truth to him!! A week later I spoke to him and he said that he still had no pain in his back and that he had such a strong spiritual connection for a few days after we had prayed. I encouraged him again to pray in the Spirit, building himself up allowing the Spirit to work in him, to remain in the place of peace. I just had a quick phone conversation with him, and he told me that for the last three weeks he has had no delusions or heard any voices, with the exception of one 10-minute episode, which he overcame also. He told me he knows the truth now!! We talked about our time of prayer and he totally agrees that it is God who has revealed this to him! He sees all the lies as rubbish and now realises that he is Josh, and not Lucifer or Loki. He’s thrown all his Lucifer and Loki stuff out, physically and in his mind. His understanding is that the visual delusions and voices are just my imagination. I asked him if he’s prayed for anyone else since he’s been set free, and he said he’s spoken to two other guys, and one of them no longer hears voices or sees delusions either!! We both laughed with joy at the thought of the whole hospital being saved through his testimony (staff included!)!! WOO HOO!!! YAY GOD!!! Josh still has a long way to go in his relationship with God (don’t we all?!), and this is the exciting part! I can’t wait to hear more of the revelations and testimonies that emerge from my brother being a light in this dark place, as he builds himself up in the Spirit, allowing God to reveal more and more truth to him, setting the captives free!!!! For such a time as this. Thank you Lord ☺ Proverbs 6:30-31 (NIV) 30 People do not despise a thief if he steals to satisfy his hunger when he is starving. 31 Yet if he is caught, he must pay sevenfold, though it costs him all the wealth of his house. Bri. x
Posted on: Fri, 16 Jan 2015 02:04:36 +0000

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