FREEDOM TRULY DOES NOT EXIST IN YOUR WORLD, MILITARY IS NOT FIGHTING FOR YOUR FREEDOM, THEY ARE FIGHTING FOR CORPORATE AMERICA TO HAVE THE FREEWILL TO KILL WITH FINANCIAL OPPRESSION; Freedom - Resource – Microsoft Word, Research – Dictionary tools 1. a state in which somebody is able to act and live as he or she chooses, without being subject to any undue restraints or restrictions 2. release or rescue from being physically bound, or from being confined, enslaved, captured, or imprisoned 3. a countrys right to rule itself, without interference from, or domination by, another country or power 4. the right to speak or act without restriction, interference, or fear 5. the state of being unaffected by, or not subject to, something unpleasant or unwanted 6. the ability to move easily without being limited by something such as tight clothing or lack of space 7. the right to use or occupy a place and treat it as your own Freedom - SYNONYMS THESAURUS Autonomy Choice Free will Independence Lack of restrictions Liberty Self-determination Sovereignty – Resource – Microsoft Word, Research – Dictionary tools 1. supreme authority, especially over a state 2. the right to self-government without interference from outside 3. a politically independent state Sovereignty - SYNONYMS THESAURUS Dominion Rule Power Control Independence Self-government Sovereignty - ANTONYM THESAURUS Subjugation – 1. the act or process of bringing somebody, especially a people or nation, under the control of another, e.g. by military conquest Subjugation - SYNONYMS THESAURUS Defeat Overthrow Suppression Conquest If you are NOT Liberal – A Liberian Practicing Liberalism then you are of the Anti-Christ - Against God almighty If you are a Liberal – Liberian Practicing Liberalism then you are of Christ then you are of God Almighty! YOUR CHOICE TO CHOOSE YOUR PATH If you are NOT Liberal – A Liberian Practicing Liberalism then you are of the Anti-Christ, associated with Capitalist, supporting Government Financial Oppression – Authoritarianism – Dictatorship – Totalitarianism – LIBERAL; ANTONYM THESAURUS Narrow-minded Small-minded Bigoted Blinkered Prejudiced Biased Insular Intolerant If you are a Liberal – Liberian Practicing Liberalism then you are of Christ supporting Individuality – Individualism – Independents – Freedom – Liberty and Justice for ALL Humans equally LIBERAL – SYNONYMS THESAURUS Open-minded Broadminded Moderate Noninterventionist Freethinking Tolerant Laissez-faire Generous Copious Abundant Profuse Substantial Large Liberalism - Resource – Microsoft Word, Research – Dictionary tools 1. Progressive views a belief in tolerance and gradual reform in moral, religious, or political matters 2. Political Theory stressing Individualism politics a political ideology with its beginnings in western Europe that rejects authoritarian government and defends freedom of speech, association, and religion, and the right to own property 3. Free-Market economic economics an economic theory in favor of free competition and minimal government regulation 4. Christian Theological Movement Christianity a movement in Protestantism stressing intellectual freedom and the moral content of Christianity over the doctrines of traditional theology Liberal Party supporting, belonging to, or associated with the Liberal Party in Canada, the United Kingdom, or Australia Member of Liberal Party, a member or supporter of the Liberal Party, e.g. in Canada, the United Kingdom, or Australia 1. Broad-minded tolerant of different views and standards of behavior in others 2. Progressive politically or socially favoring gradual reform, especially political reforms that extend democracy, distribute wealth more evenly, and protect the personal freedom of the individual 3. Generous freely giving money, time, or some other asset 4. Generous in quantity large in size or amount 5. Not literal not limited to the literal meaning in translation or interpretation 6. Culturally Oriented concerned with general cultural matters and broadening of the mind rather than professional or technical study 7. Of Political Liberalism relating to a political ideology of liberalism 8. Of branch of Progressive Judaism; relating or belonging to a branch of Progressive Judaism, characterized by radical revision of the liturgy and an emphasis on ethical teaching. Founded in England in the early 20th century, it accepts patrilineal descent as a qualification for membership of the Jewish religious community.
Posted on: Mon, 10 Mar 2014 23:38:35 +0000

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