FREEDOM The key to building quality is freedom of the soul from - TopicsExpress


FREEDOM The key to building quality is freedom of the soul from all attachments. This is a struggle that everyone has to undertake and it differs from person to person. Everyone’s attachments are different; some are attached to their spouses, others to their children, wealth, status, job, property etc. Whatever the attachment, it has to be released. What if I am so weak I can’t remove it from my heart? First, get physically away from your attachment, even if it is for few hours each day. Go to a secluded place, a masjid, a parking lot…whatever it takes to be alone and away from distractions. Remember Allah SWT and beg Him to remove the attachment from your heart. If you are attached to your savings, spend from it. If it is your car, sell it and get something else. If it is spouse and children, just ask Allah SWT to help you remove the attachment from your heart. If you are sincere, the second step will happen. Allah SWT will put in your heart what to do. Just so you know, this ‘to do’ will not be easy, it will be against your desire. If you do it, you will pass and Allah SWT will help you. If you fail, Allah SWT will let you go and you can cry and pray as much as you want and nothing will happen. TRUE ROLE MODELS You really want to wake up and taste the sweetness of this faith? You really want to see a dramatic change in your life for better? You really want to enjoy life as it is meant to be? Remove everything from your heart and start all over again. Do you know who does it beautifully? The New Muslims! They divorce and detach themselves from family, culture, customs, habits, lifestyle…everything for the sake of Allah SWT. They let it all go and become free from all the worldly attachments. This not only shows the courage and strength but shows how pure and sincere their dedication is towards Allah SWT. They not only transform their lives, but they also ache for others to experience the same! They are a true inspiration who should be taken as role models by all of us. It is time for us to connect our hearts to Allah SWT and be sincere to Him. All the verses we read earlier as well as the signs around us are warning of a major catastrophe. All the odds are stacked against us. Our only option is to learn what Islam is and sincerely embrace it. At this point you might be complaining that the message is redundant and doesn’t talk about anything new. But this is how Qur’an Makki is—two-thirds of the Qur’an asks us to leave duniya and work for the akhirah. Once we are in this state we will be busy developing ourselves, being a role model for others and spreading the message of Islam. At this time we can hope to receive the support of Allah SWT both in times of ease and difficulty. And during calamities Allah SWT will InshaAllah rescue us and give us the ultimate gift which is to let us die as Muslims.
Posted on: Mon, 21 Jul 2014 09:52:16 +0000

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