FREEMASONRY - the Myths and the Truths In recent years - TopicsExpress


FREEMASONRY - the Myths and the Truths In recent years Freemasonry has become far more prominent and noticeable in our local communities, on the internet and in the local press, partly as a consequence of openness and also because of the regular publicity we receive, particularly in relation to our charitable activities (which demonstrate Freemasonry in action). Most Masonic Halls have regular open days and most members of the public either know a Freemason or have attended Masonic functions. Despite this increasing exposure and prominence there are still websites which try to convey false information about Freemasonry and people who have a poor understanding of what Freemasonry is and may have developed a negative view. Here we hope to dispel some of the myths and give you a greater understanding of the truth about Freemasonry. Firstly, some common myths debunked: 1 Do Freemasons worship the devil? Most certainly not. Neither do they worship money or power. In fact they do not worship at all at Lodge meetings. They respect ethical values when found in each other and in society and strive to inculcate all things good in themselves and each other. 2 Are you totally open? The answer to this question is simple, yes. There are certain aspects of its affairs which are private to its members just as they would be in any other private membership organisation. Members are free to discuss what Freemasonry is about in any answer to any genuine enquiry. 3 It has been said that you can gain business advantage by being a Freemason. Is that true? No it is not true. Any Freemason found to be using his membership for personal or for business advantage, would be subject to Masonic discipline and could be expelled from the Order. It is severely frowned upon. In fact Masons are not even allowed to display membership certificates in their office or place of work and the use of Masonic signs is restricted to the Lodge Room. All good Freemasons will abide by these rules. 4 It is said that Freemasons get away with criminal offences by giving secret signs to Magistrates and Judges. What do you have to say about that? There is no evidence whatsoever to support this suggestion except in the minds of conspiracy theorists. It has been suggested numerous times by certain authors, but not one of them has produced any evidence to support their statements. 5 Why do you only look after your own? We don’t. Freemasonry does have strong charitable interests, although that is not its main purpose. There are Masonic charities which look after members and their family interests, but Freemasonry raises millions of pounds annually which it donates to non-Masonic causes. Examples are the Hospice movement, Air Ambulances, the RNLI and the British Red Cross. It is always one of the first to donate to the latter whenever and wherever disaster strikes anywhere in the world. It is one of the largest donators to charity after the National Lottery, Sport Relief and Children in Need. 6 It has been said that Freemasonry is an elitist organisation that only accepts certain types of people and it is a Christian only organisation? Nonsense. Contrary to popular belief, Freemasonry is not a closed organisation available only to those who are invited to join. Membership is open to all men of good character who might have a variety of religious beliefs, Marine Admiral Mohamed Deeb General Secretary of AMPHTS
Posted on: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 23:50:21 +0000

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