FREEMASONS STARTED THE PUBLIC SCHOOL SYSTEM Truth is stranger than fiction. Indeed, so true! Public school students, whether in grammar school or a heathen State university, will never learn the truth that Karl Marx (1818-1883) was commissioned by Freemasons to write the Communist Manifesto, providing a blueprint for world takeover . . . “The Communist International was the first step in this program of activism. At first it was simply known as the League of the Just, a branch of the Illuminati. This group commissioned Karl Marx to write the Communist Manifesto in 1847; it was published in 1848 and was immediately given worldwide circulation by the international offices of Freemasonry. Throughout his long political career, Marx was known to work actively with both the Jesuits and the Freemasons. In 1864, Marx organized the International Workingmens Party in London; in 1872 he moved it to New York, where it was merged with the Socialist Party. Marx received a regular stipend from American newspapers as a columnist, employment which had been arranged for him by the Freemasons.” SOURCE: Eustace Mullins; The Curse of Canaan The 10th Plank of Marxs Communist Manifesto calls for a Public School System to allow government indoctrination of children with Evolution, Humanism and Atheism. Lodge to celebrate Public School Week March 4, 2010 Public School Week is celebrated each year in Texas usually the 1st full week in March, when a community pauses for a few days to give more consideration to one of Democracys greatest institutions - the free school system. This year the celebration will be from March 8th-12th. Although Public School Week has been a long standing tradition, few may know its earliest origins. It began behind the guiding hand of Texas Masons. Early in December 1950, immediately after being installed, Grand Master W.J. Burris, who had been active in the educational programs of the public schools of McAllen, and who had served on the school board, outlined to the Grand Lodge, his program which was intended to bring us closer to the great educational system which the average bread earner takes for granted. Masonic Lodges were instructed by the Grand Master to coordinate with their local school districts plans and preparations for a Public School Week. Grand Master Burris also issued a proclamation calling upon all Texas Masons to not only assist in the program, but to impress upon their friends the importance of a closer affiliation between parents and teachers, and a revival of interest in problems of our educational system. Historic Ties History recalls that Masonic Lodges of this State took the lead in founding our public free schools. Many of Texas first grade schools and schools of higher education were operated in buildings owned and erected by Masonic lodges. In San Saba County, the first public school was established by San Saba Lodge No. 225 in 1860. The Methodists were attempting to collect subscriptions for a new school and build an academy building. A building effort was begun but after conferring with the lodge, the masons assumed full control over the project. ... Public School Week Today the Freemasons of Texas take time once a year to renew their historic ties with public school education. San Saba Lodge No. 612 will distribute a special bookmarker to each student at San Saba and Cherokee schools. This has been a tradition for some time. Grand Master Burris words still ring true today. It is important that we... understand the important subject of Public Schools..., since through the effort of the Order, public schools in Texas were given their birthright... FALSE IDEA OF THE CRAFT One of Freemasonrys greatest successes has been its ability to deceive present-day Christians into believing that it is nothing more than a public-spirited fraternal organization which operates Shriner circuses to benefit childrens burn hospitals. The propaganda value of these activities has deceived many, but not Bible-believing, soulwinning, Christ-loving believers. Freemasons are boldly rising up against God Himself. They are planning the destruction of Christianity... and this with the set purpose of utterly despoiling the nations of Christendom. Freemasons proclaim their respect for the great architect of the universe which the uninitiated are deceived into believing is God the Father, first person of the Holy Trinity. Masonry in America is as evil as Masonry in Europe - both are diabolical and anti-Christian. The history of Christianity in America reveals a relentless war by Satan and his agents to infect and to divide the Church from the very beginning, and those Masonic efforts to spread the heresy of indifferentism amongst Christians have continued until the present. FREEMASONS ARE BEHIND MANY EVIL AGENDAS The following information is quoted from theforbiddenknowledge . . . If you are happy in your life, and content with what you have been taught, and you feel that you have a grasp of whats going on in the world, then leave now; for ignorance truly is bliss. The material you are about to read could change every aspect of your belief system to the core. In my research regarding Freemasonry and its involvement in the founding of this great country known as The United States of America and its influence in politics, education and religion. I have stumbled across some very disturbing facts: (1) Regardless of claims to the contrary, Freemasonry is a religion. This religion stems from the ancient Egyptian pagan worship of false gods/goddess Isis, Osiris, Rah and etc. YES VIRGINIA, FREEMASONRY IS A RELIGION FREEMASONRY EXPOSED Freemasonry The worship of Lucifer, SATAN Part 1 of 5 Dwight L. Moody and Charles G. Finney Expose Freemasonry (2) Regardless of claims to the contrary the lower rank and files of Freemasonry do not know that the top 5% or 10% higher degree Masons worship Lucifer. Now before I get hate mail I said the top percentage. If you do not worship Lucifer/Satan then I am not talking about you. Albert Pike, the most famous of all freemasons and the founder of the 33rd degree in masonry, also the founder of the KKK (and this should be a red flag in itself), is quoted as saying the following: “To you, Sovereign Grand Instructors General, we say this, that you may repeat it to the Brethren of the 32nd, 31st and 30th degrees: the Masonic Religion should be, by all of us initiates of the high degrees, maintained in the purity of the LUCIFERIAN Doctrine. . .” SOURCE: Albert Pike addressing the 23 Supreme Councils of the world on July 14, 1889. FREEMASONRY -- TWO ORGANIZATIONS, ONE VISIBLE, THE OTHER INVISIBLE (3) Regardless of claims to the contrary Freemasonry controls politics (democrat, republicans, etc), religion (Wicca, Mormons, Jehovahs witnesses, pagans, Satanist, Billy Graham, etc), military, health field, the legal authorities, (supreme court, county courts, IRS, lawyers, judges, mayors, police, etc) all the media (Walt Disney, movies, TV, music industry, news papers, book publishers, encyclopedia Britannica, and any form thereof that can sway public opinion) education, (museums, collages, public schools, etc) science and technology (IBM, AT&T, NASA, Microsoft, etc) Intelligence agencies (CIA, MI6, FBI, KGB, etc) and that freemasonry is ultimately controlled by the Vatican/pope which in reality is the Caesar of Rome/Maximus Pontif/false prophet for the Antichrist. United States Presidents and the Masonic Power Structure (4) Regardless of claims to the contrary Freemasonry has been used to bring about Zep Tepi/The First Time of Osiris/The Golden Age/A New Order of the Ages/Novus Ordo Seclorum/New World Order/Globalization. Its all the same goal. To bring about the rule of the Anti-Christ/Lucifer/Satan. CONCLUSION Whether it be the father of modern Communism, Karl Marx; Wall Streets funding of Adolf Hitlers War Machine; the indoctrination of Evolution; the Masonic birth of Public Schools; nearly all mainstream religions; Masonic U.S. currency; The Lucifer Trust; the Masonic occult layout of Washington D.C.; our founding fathers; celebrities and high-powered political figures showing allegiance to the Devil; or Corporate businesses today who are sold out to the Masonic New World Order... Freemasonry rears its ugly head at some point. Nearly everything of a subversive nature which has been used to destroy America has ties to Freemasonry. Its disturbing to say the least. To properly understand why Communism was created by the New World Order gang, one need look no further than 1775 when Adam Weishaupt formed a literal organization called, THE ILLUMINATI. As such, the groups stated aim was world domination, i.e., a One World Order. The desire for a Global Government has been in the works for centuries, because Satan himself is the primary spiritual force at work behind such an accomplishment. Today, in 2010 we are witnessing the building of the New World Order, which will be complete by 2015-2020 in my opinion. The Lords return, i.e., the prophesied Rapture of the Saints, is imminent!!! And then once the Rapture takes place, the Antichrist shall be revealed! The 3rd temple in Jerusalem will be built soon, and I believe it will happen very quickly. Three-and-a-half-years into the Tribulation Period, the Antichrist will stand from the temple in Jerusalem and proclaim to be god (2nd Thessalonians 2:4). He will demand that the world worship His image or die. Revelation 13:15, “And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.” Isnt it interesting that this is exactly what happened back in the days of king Nebuchadnezzar, in the Old Testament book of Daniel, who demanded that everyone worship his 90-foot tall golden image or else be put to death? There is nothing new under the sun. THE BEAST SYSTEM HAS RISEN!!! Unchristlike Christians hate conflict more than they hate evil.
Posted on: Wed, 05 Mar 2014 05:57:55 +0000

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