FRI. 4TH JULY, 2014 PIWC - SUNYANI DAILY DEVOTION TOPIC: THE CHURCH AS A FAMILY TEXT: Galatians 3:26 NIV So in Christ Jesus you are all children of God through faith. EXPOSITION We thank God for a successful week. Still on the nature of the church, i want us for today, to look at the Church as a Family. A Family can be defined as a group of people who are closely related by ties, blood or adoption. The primary purpose of a family is to raise children and offer them unconditional love. Also, the purpose of a family is to teach children the basic values and attitudes which they will carry throughout life. The understanding from our main text is that, Born-again believers are told that we, too, are members of Gods family (Romans 9:8). How do we become a part of this family of God? When we hear the gospel, confess our sins, and place our faith and trust in Jesus Christ, we are at that moment born into God’s kingdom as His children and become heirs with Him for eternity. Being a part of the family of God is the greatest blessing bestowed upon believers and one that should drive us to our knees in humble adoration. We can never do anything to deserve it for it is His gift of love, mercy and grace to us, yet, we are called to become sons and daughters of the Living God (Romans 9:25-26 ). Physical family is the most important building block to human society, and as such, it should be nurtured and protected. But more important than that is the new creation that God is making in Christ, which is comprised of a spiritual family, the Church, made up of all people who call upon the Lord Jesus Christ as Savior. This is a family drawn from every nation, tribe, people and language, and the defining characteristic of this spiritual family is love for one another: A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another (John 13:34-35 ). Dearly Beloved, let us avoid been tribalistic in Church as there is no longer Jew or Greek. In Christ, we are all one. Also, we need to bury our political diferences. Relate with everyone in love as you will do to your biological family. Let family love abide. God bless you. PEACE-SHALOM! FURTHER STUDY Galatians 3:23-29 LET BROTHERLY LOVE ABIDE STILL REMAIN RAPTURABLE
Posted on: Fri, 04 Jul 2014 05:28:24 +0000

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