~*~” FRICKING FRACKING-THE SINKHOLES OF FULL POLUTING STUPIDITY- NEGATIVE ENERGY-NEGATIVE CAPITAL- ECONOMICALLY UNSOUND. TEXAS Totally Fracked, TEXAS Is So Fracked Some Towns Will Soon Be Running Out Of Water. And Now The UNITED KINGDOM Want’s To Create Its Own Fracking Mess, ‘YES’ The U.K. Blew Through Its Fricking North-Sea Oil Sold It At All Time Lows And Now Wants To Blow Through It’s Clean Water Table Just When Fresh H2O Is Becoming More And More Scarce ‘NO’ There’s No Escaping The Sinkholes Of Stupid Opening Up Around Us As Government And The Corporations Target The Dumbest Common Denominators Around Us Who Always Vote For More Debt, More Housing Bubbles, More Wars, More Genetically Modified Foods, More Tar Sands, More Fracking, More, More Anything That Will Sink Us Into The Bottomless Pit Of Stupid, So Vote For Sinkholes And Stupid, STACY. Stacy: Well, MAX You Know How Sinkholes Suddenly Open And Everything Goes Puffhh!! You Know Collapses, Max: I Love The Video’s On YouTube You See They’re So Many Because That’s My Fear I’m Going To Disappear Into A Sinkhole, Apparently In FLORIDA And CHINA There’s Many. Stacy: Well You Have No Option Now A days Because Propagandists And Government And The Corporations Target Stupid Electorate Who’ll Say Okay! Why Not? So They’ll Say Okay! Why Not? Why Not Get Rid Of Glass-Steagall So We Can Have More Liquidity In The System And Expand The Economy And Of Course Until It All Collapse’s As We Saw In The 2008 Crash, You Have The Same Thing, Everywhere You Look Whether It’s Genetically-Modified Or FUKUSHIMA That Was Like Some People Being Sold On Like This We Could Have Free Indefinite Energy With No Cost, Max: (Has Rubber Plucked Chicken) We’re All Being Plucked, We’re Plucked, We’re Completely Plucked, We’re Being Plucked And We Are Being Plucked Of Our Senses, We’re Being Plucked Of Our Networks, We’re Being Plucked Of Our Food, We’re Plucked Of Our Water, Pluck, Pluck, Pluck, Plucked To Death Look At This, This Is Your Future (Attempt At Ventriloquism) Hello! Hello! I’m Being Plucked To Death By DAVID CAMERON (U.K. Prime Minister) And Err!! OBAMA, OBAMA’s Plucking Me Out, Out. Stacy: Well That Looks Like A Genetically Modified Factory Farmed Chicken And That’s The Thing For The Sinkhole Off Food That We Have For So Many Stupid People Just Care About The Price, They Don’t Care What’s In It, But We Are Going To Look At The Energy System Right Now And The Fracking Because The Fracking Is Coming Here To The U.K. And We Are Seeing That Very Little Of The Negative Downside Where It Is Already Been Tried It Has Been Covered, Rawstory TEXAS Is Fracking More Than 30 Towns Will Soon Be Out Of Water. More Than 30 Towns In West TEXAS Will Soon Be Out Of Water As A Direct Result Of Diverting Their Underground Water Supplies For Use In Hydraulic Fracking. Largely Underground Fracking, It Should Be Said. Largely Unregulated Fracking That Is Definitely Putting ARSNIC Into The Ground It Happens To Be Drying Out. Before You Start Acting Horrified, Though, Consider: This Is Exactly What TEXAS’ Mental-Midget Teabilies Voted For. Stacy cont: So People Were Warned Of This They Still Voted For It For The Simple Up Front Fees, But Now Your Seeing Entire Towns There Which They Have ‘NO’ Water They Turn On The Tap And There’s Nothing Not Even That Explosive Water Coming Out. Max: Right The U.K. Is Now Making A Move Towards Fracking, They Don’t Want To Talk About Fracking Fluid Contains CARCIOGEN It Will Give People In BRITAIN Cancer, The Only Question Is How Much Cancer Are You Going To Be Willing To Tolerate, A Hundred Thousand Cases A Million Cases You Decide. The Tremor’s To The Earth’s Crust, It’s Economically Unsound The BTU’s (Traditional Units Of Energy) That Go In To Try And Frack And Get Energy Out Are Greater Than The BTU’s That Come Back At You, So Negative Energy Also Negative Capital, It Takes More Money To Get In The Fracking System Than You Can Make In Terms Of A G.D.P. (Gross Domestic Product) Boost So It’s Negative Across The Court. It’ll Make A Few Contractors Rich, It Will Increase The Debt In The U.K.”~*~ This Write Up Was Done By Blackhole Bridger All Comments In Enclosed Brackets Are My Responsibility Alone. There Is Much, Much More In Todays Show Of Mins 25:46 Secs Your Hosts Are STACY HERBERT And MAX KEISER. In The Second Half MAX Talks To CHRIS MARTENSON About The Four Signs Of Dangerous Bubble Territory, The Markets Oblivious To The Costs Of FUKUSHIMA Meltdown And The Bad Economics Of FRACKING. Get Into The Financial Know And Click Below. youtu.be/faLG-q3SR5c
Posted on: Fri, 30 Aug 2013 02:58:10 +0000

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