FRIDAY 13Th DAY OF THE GODDESS: What a wonderful energy there is - TopicsExpress


FRIDAY 13Th DAY OF THE GODDESS: What a wonderful energy there is to embrace right now. This Friday June 13th will be the ONLY Friday 13th in 2014 so lets make the most of it. Why? Well apart from it also being a Full (almost Super) Moon (see my previous wall post) the number 13 is sacred to the divine feminine. Thirteen frees us from conformity and control. It is a force that cannot be controlled and must be left natural and to flow, just like the feminine spirit. This is often what people are suspicious of with thirteen, as they cannot impose rigidity upon it. Anyone born on the 13th, has a 13 life path or who resonates to number is 13 is often a force of nature and will be a person who pushes the bounds of conformity their whole life. Thirteen leads us to self-expression, opening our psychic powers, individuality and leads us away from oppression and systematization MORE ON THE POWER OF 13 and THE GODDESS: ~ Friday is sacred to the Norse Goddess Freya or Frigg. Being named for her as Freyas day. Fish was often eaten on a Friday being also sacred to the Goddess, being where the eating of fish on Good Friday derives from - Good Goddess Day I love Fridays! ~ There are 13 Full Moons in a year and if our calendar followed the Moon months women would be back in their powerful flow and away from the suppression of 12. Thats why it is so important for women especially to honour the Moon cycles and connect with the planetary cycles of which they are naturally attuned. ~ The Goddess represents a force of nature within all of us. The feminine force which is intuitive, clairvoyant, psychic, artistic, creative, soulful, curious, compassionate, nurturing, loving, resilient, strong and expressive and all in between. ~ I always like to refer to the ancients (who I see as the modernists) for our cues, for society thousands of years ago can show us the way of our future. Let each one of us through our focused awareness and proud voices and actions, bring in an era where female and male are seen equally (globally) as one - both with their unique and precious talents to offer and serve the universe. ~ Perhaps you have further insight? Please share in comments. I chose an image of Lakshmi Goddess of Prosperity for this post as to me it represents the full bounty of the Universe given to all of us equally from within, from soul. We have only to embrace our divine nature and then use it to best advantage on Earth (women and men alike) to partake of our own inner riches and let this flow to all life forms
Posted on: Fri, 13 Jun 2014 00:37:04 +0000

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