FRIDAY, 14TH JUNE 2013 KEEP SAYING IT “This book of the law - TopicsExpress


FRIDAY, 14TH JUNE 2013 KEEP SAYING IT “This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success.” Joshua 1:8 There are several materials out there trying to teach us how to be successful and many of God’s children are making a haste to pick and read through them because they really want to make a success of their lives here on earth. Well, there is nothing wrong with such desires as long as they are channeled through the word of God. What do I mean? When you study the word of God, you will discover that the man who has given his life to Christ is not the one trying to be a success. He was born that way for the word declares that he was created unto good works and to come out right in life. Where many then miss it is that they haven’t come to realize that the manufacturer or creator of this new creation who is a success also set down the right way this man should go about exhibiting his success. Only those who do it as He has defined find success manifesting in their lives eventually. I am sure you really want to know exactly how now! It’s really simple my dear, it’s about your relationship and association with the word of God. The scripture says to ensure that the book of the law (word of God) does not depart from your mouth but rather meditate upon it day and night. Saying that the word shouldn’t depart from your mouth but you should meditate upon it means that the meditation he is talking about here is not just pondering over something in your mind. It refers to vocalizing the meditations of your heart. In other words, to make your way in life prosperous and have good success, you must be a consistent talker of the word of God. You can’t be among the group that thinks that God sees their hearts and expect to be prosperous in life! Your prosperity is actually connected to your talking. And hear this, no matter where you are in life today; if you will put the word of God in your mouth consistently then you can be sure that in a process of time, you will come back with a testimony! DIGGING DEEP: 1 Tim 4:15 PERSONAL STUDY: 2 Kings 5-7, Psalm 87 PRAYER/CONFESSION: Father I thank you for giving me your Word to navigate my path through life. I believe and therefore speak that my results in life are guaranteed because the Word is producing for me what it talks about in the name of Jesus.
Posted on: Thu, 13 Jun 2013 22:30:56 +0000

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