FRIDAY 26/12/14 TOPIC: GOD IS ABOUT TO DO SOMETHING IN YOUR LIFE SCRIPTURE: Saying, Arise, and take the young child and his mother, and go into the land of Israel: for they are dead which sought the young childs life. Matt 2:20. THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: No devil can find what God hides. What made the birth of Christ the most powerful event that happened in the history of man is that it is the power that took the devil by surprise. The moment Adam fell at creation, God announced that the serpent would deal with the woman but a child was going to be born by the woman that would deal with the serpent. From the moment that prophecy went out, the devil began to look for the seed to kill. He went into Egypt to destroy all the male children in the time and birth of Moses thinking that the seed was there but he failed. The devil continued searching for this seed until He was born in Bethlehem and he did not know how. I would like to let you know that there is something God is about to do in your life and the devil is not going to know how. By the birth of Jesus that took the devil by surprise, my God is going to take your enemies by surprise in Jesus Name! No devil can find what God hides. The devil could not find Jesus until He was almost two years old when King Herod gave an order that all the children who were two years old and below should be killed, but it was too late. There is a plan of God for your life that is about to take the devil by surprise. God is about to shock the devil. That is the Power of Christmas. As you celebrate, let the devil know that he should get ready for a surprise. Remember this: no devil can find what God hides. ASSIGNMENT (S): 1 Today is Boxing Day. Key into God’s spiritual gift of the birth of Christ to you. FOR FURTHER UNDERSTANDING, GET THIS MESSAGE: THE POWER OF CHRISTMAS PRAYER: Lord, as I celebrate the birth of Christ, let my enemies be taken by surprise, in Jesus’ Name. DAILY READING: MORNING: Rev.17-18 EVENING: Isa. 64 QUOTE: Who gave birth to you is not as important as what was born inside you. Culled from REASON FOR LIVING by Dr Paul Enenche.
Posted on: Fri, 26 Dec 2014 05:23:03 +0000

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