FRIDAY 30TH AUGUST 2013 BROUGHT INTO THE WEALTHYPLACE Ps 66:12. Life in Christ is the most wonderful life ever. The Psalmist notes that previously, men rode over us. In other words, we went through water and fire. These are evidences of poverty and slavery. A poor man is a slave spite of his education. God detests poverty. As such, He sent Christ to died on the cross. His death gave a technical blow to poverty. The genes of poverty have been broken forever in your life. Jesus brought us out of slavery and poverty. He took us into the wealth place or rich fulfillment. You are in God’s wealthy place ordained for you before the foundation of the world. This is the place of abundance and surplus beyond the overflow. You are wealthy for life in Jesus Name. Refer to the centre page on AWESOME NEWS and be born again to enjoy all this. RISE AND PROPHESY THANKSGIVING Sing songs of praise. Thank God for the your financial explosion. CONFESSIONS Jesus is LORD. Am a king in Jesus Name. Am in God’s wealthy place. I have a bumper harvest in Jesus Name. Am superior to poverty forever. My business is expanding in Jesus Name. Make more confessions in specific areas of business… FAMILY IMPACT Declare God’s blessings on your family.
Posted on: Fri, 30 Aug 2013 14:53:16 +0000

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