FRIDAY Further Study: Ellen G. White, The Spirituality of - TopicsExpress


FRIDAY Further Study: Ellen G. White, The Spirituality of the Law, pp. 45-78, in Thoughts From the Mount of Blessing ; The Sermon on the Mount, pp. 307-314 , and Controversy, pp. 606-609, in The Desire of Ages . Speaking of the law, Jesus said, I am not come to destroy, but to fulfill . . .; that is, to fill up the measure of the law’s requirement, to give an example of perfect conformity to the will of God. . . . “His mission was to magnify the law, and make it honorable. Isaiah 42:21 . He was to show the spiritual nature of the law, to present its far-reaching principles, and to make plain its eternal obligation. . . . “Jesus, the express image of the Father’s person, the effulgence of His glory; the self-denying Redeemer, throughout His pilgrimage of love on earth was a living representation of the character of the law of God. In His life it is made manifest that heaven-born love, Christlike principles, underlie the laws of eternal rectitude. — Ellen G. White, Thoughts From the Mount of Blessing , pp. 48, 49 . Discussion Questions: 1. In what ways can we fall into the temptation of being legalistic in our observance of the law, as the Pharisees were? On the other hand, what danger exists when we assume that loving God exempts us from obeying His law? Make a list of practical ways in which we could avoid falling into one or the other pitfall in our days. Bring your ideas to share with your class. 2. As we know, the argument against the continued validity of the Ten Commandments often is nothing but an attempt to get around the seventh-day Sabbath. Review all the Sabbath healing stories in the Gospels. How do they affirm not only the continued validity of God’s law but of the seventh- day Sabbath? Why are the words and example of Jesus the last place anyone who wants to deny the Sabbath should go? 3. Theologians sometimes talk about a moral universe. What does that mean? How is our universe a moral place? If it is, what do you think makes it so? What role would God’s law have in a moral universe? Could the universe be a moral place without God having a moral law to govern it? Discuss. How does the idea of God’s law in a moral universe help explain Satan’s attempt to undermine that law?
Posted on: Thu, 04 Sep 2014 17:44:50 +0000

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