FRIDAY MARCH 28, 2014 The magicians said to Pharaoh, This is the - TopicsExpress


FRIDAY MARCH 28, 2014 The magicians said to Pharaoh, This is the finger of God. Ex 8:19 NIV THE FINGER OF GOD (2) THE FINGER OF GOD IN CALAMITY. When God sent plagues that Pharaohs wizards couldnt duplicate, they cried out in fear, This is the finger of God. Finally Pharaoh got the message: Maybe Gods trying to tell me something. The calamity that befell Egypt was a direct result of Pharaoh defying God. Ten times Moses stood before him with Gods Word, saying, Let MY people go. Notice, God was only asking for what was rightfully His. The question is: What is He asking of YOU? ONLY WHEN YOU SAY YES TO GOD WILL THINGS BEGIN TO GO RIGHT FOR YOU ! When you see His PURPOSE in the REVERSALS and SETBACKS YOURE GOING THROUGH, you can can actually turn them into stepping stones to blessing. The Psalmist wrote, Thy way, O God, is the sanctuary (Ps 77:13). Then he added, Thy way is in the sea, and thy path in the great waters (Ps 77:19). The sanctuary or the storm! God will bring you the easy way or the hard way. If you refuse to listen to His voice in the sanctuary. He will speak to you in lifes storms. Pharaoh rebelled against the providential dealings of God, AND IT HIM HIS KINGDOM, AND HIS LIFE. Dont miss the lesson here. GOD WANTS WHAT BELONGS TO HIM, WHAT HE BOUGHT AND PAID FOR AT CALVARY. HE WANTS HIS RIGHTFUL PLACE IN YOUR LIFE, WHICH IS FIRST PLACE. And you have an option; you can REBEL AGAINST HIM or RESPOND TO HIS LIVE. If you feel God tugging at your heart today, its because He wants to save you, use you and bless you. If youre wise youll say YES TO HIM. My Thoughts: There is only one way to go in our lives when we disobey Gods Will for OUR LIVES and that way is DOWN, FRUSTRATION, and FAILURE !!!! Just as the old poster use to show with Uncle Sam pointing his finger, and the caption saying...Uncle Sam wants YOU, likewise the finger of God is pointing to each and everyone of us and saying...GOD WANTS YOU. No, not everyone that He is pointing too is called to be in the Ministry, but WE ARE ALL CALLED TO BE SOUL WINNERS !!!! Before Jesus gave Peter the keys of the kingdom to heaven (Mt. 16:19), He called Peter to BECOME A FISHER OF MEN. This should let us realize that soul winning is step ONE. Pharaohs rebellion bought about much pain not only in his life and his families, but others that he ruled over. Yes, refusal to obedience to God brings on calamity all around us. The last eight (8) words of this lesson says it all. IF...YOURE...WISE...YOULL...SAY...YES ...TO...HIM.
Posted on: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 19:40:41 +0000

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