FRIDAY NIGHT IN THE LITTLE EASY. Forgot to mention, yesterday - TopicsExpress


FRIDAY NIGHT IN THE LITTLE EASY. Forgot to mention, yesterday afternoon we were at the Wal-Mart returning a couple items we shouldve kept and buying some stuff we didnt need...I had a couple long-time listeners come up and talk to me near Aisle number three. Always enjoy meeting new folks and after wed been having a delightful chat for five or six minutes, I spotted, The Beard Joel Yarbrough in the check-out line! Hes such a great guy and its been a pleasure getting to know him since weve been down here and am happy to call him and Joe Chitfaced good friends now! That beard is the Johnny Holmes of beards! When I spotted him, the paltry growth I had on my face just fell off my face right there in the dang store! It wasnt enough to warrant a, Clean-up on Aisle Three loudspeaker announcement! Also, the cardboard stand-up of Duck-Dynastys Uncle Si spotted Joel and immediately turned completely around and faced the wall there by the optical department! The moment reminded me of the line in a Charlie Daniels tune, The devil bowed his head because he knew that hed been beat....! After The Beard departed the wally-world, you shouldve seen me kickin my own @$$ all the way out to the truck after realizing Id failed to seize the opportunity, yep, IF I just wouldve touched the beard of all beards, Joel may have knocked me into next week, but Id have rolled the proverbial dice cause it wouldve been RKs modern-day rabbits foot and Bama would have gotten the win last night! NOTE: Some additional football info at the very bottom of this update. Amy Griffis informed me today that Doc Griffis will be in his Rhine office(The South Dodge Clinic) tomorrow morning seeing patients from 9am till 12 noon, so Ive got an early appointment. Think when he walks into the room in the morning, Im gonna say, Doc, Ive got an erection lasting more than four hours and the TV commercial said to see my doctor. Honestly, if that happened to you, dont ya think you should be trying to see some women instead of your doctor? Ive always wondered about that product called Cialis thats advertised on TV as well. If it really did what it claims, at the end of the commercial, wouldnt the man and women be in the same tub instead of two separate ones? My arthritis is showin out tonight. Did I ever tell this story? Back one night in March of 2011 when I was taking my garbage to the dumpster, I fell down the three concrete steps outside the Massee and landed on the sidewalk directly on my right shoulder followed a millisecond later by my giant trash-can with all its contest striking me in the left-side of my chest and face, a couple days later, I went to the E.R. in Macon in quite a bit of pain. Not long after the physician came into the room, he asked me, Sir, are you seeking? I remember thinking, here we go before responding, Yes Sir I am! Im seeking some damn medical attention from one of yalls doctors here because my shoulder hurts like a *%^ * % *&#*!!! He told me it was sprained, gave me two Norco 5mgs a cup of water, no x-ray or prescription, charged me several hundred dollars and sent me home. For a few months the pain steadily got worse until P.A. Allan Imes at Family Medical in McDonough x-rayed it and discovered a clean-break of my Scapula Bone. Some of you may remember when I wore the sling on our TV show for a while before we could get it healed. Now three years later after healing, Dr. Griffis said heavy arthritis has set into it. I remember many years ago, my Grand-mama in Arkansas talking about how horrid arthritis pain was. She was right. Actually Tramadol a.k.a.- Ultram worked wonders for me and was a safe and effective alternative to opiate pain-killers, but wouldnt ya know it...four months ago, the D.E.A. reclassified it to a schedule 4! When I took the great fall that night, Id been living in 3E at the Massee a tad over six months and never knew that all we had to do was take our trash to a little utility room right beside the elevator on our individual floors and dump it in a huge receptacle in there...never forget how I felt when I was standing & waiting on the elevator one day when I saw the guy in 3G lug his trash in that room! YAY! Tomorrows the 3rd and my inheritance check hits my comes more stuff we dont need from the late Sam Waltons empire! Im sure his family needs the money! Come on, you remember, John-Boy, Mary-Ellen, Ben and the crew up on their mountain, dont ya? Have a wonderful weekend my friend! Much Love!!...... RK, FOOTBALL NEWS: Like I told ya last night after their seven-point loss in the Sugar Bowl, dont pity the greatest football program in history as defensive-linemen Darron Payne of Birmingham and cornerback Kendall Sheffield of Texas, both five-stars, committed to play there college ball in Tuscaloosa during the Under-Armour All-American Game today! Thats a total of five 5-stars and 19 of the ESPN Top 300 players who are now committed to the Crimson Tide! Plus theres still two or three of the top rated players, the SEC Champions are in the running for. The twenty-five players already committed pretty much wrap-up the #1 ranking for Bamas upcoming recruiting class, their FOURTH #1 class IN A ROW and FIFTH in the past SIX years! BTW, the one year their incoming freshmen werent the top class, the were ranked #2! Roll Tide!!
Posted on: Sat, 03 Jan 2015 05:49:07 +0000

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