FRIDAY RANT!!! Ive had an epiphany. Based on rulings in the - TopicsExpress


FRIDAY RANT!!! Ive had an epiphany. Based on rulings in the last year that the SCOTUS has decided that voting is too easy and buying elections is too hard Ive come to the conclusion as an American citizen that I have ZERO effect on federal elections. MONEY RULES EVERYTHING. You can go down to the capital with tea bags on your head and your dont tread on me flag and Mitch, Nancy, Harry and John will just laugh as they get their checks from Billion Dollar Donors or you can pitch a tent at Wall Street, smoke pot and play your guitar and bankers will laugh as they drive by you in their Porsches on their way to their yachts. Don’t agree? Think about this- 80-90% think extending background checks at guns shows was a good thing. Did it pass NO! 60-65% didn’t want obamacare. did it pass? YEP! 75-85% think we should raise the minimum wage. Did it go up? NOPE! 70-80% think the rich should have a higher tax rate. Has it went up?NOPE! 80-85% think wall st bankers should serve time for the melt down. Anyone arrested?NOPE!! 80-85% think we should keep our noses out of other countries business and use all that money to fix stuff at home. We still giving money to every country? YEP! So give your money to the NRA, PETA, NAACP, AARP, etc… IT doesnt do squat. Whether its Soros, Gates or Zuckerburg on the left or Koch and Adleson on the right. They have 95% of the money and they will get 95% of what they want. We have 5% of the money and we will get 5% of what we want. I will end with a quote from my favorite libertarian comedian. You were born free, you got f@%ked out of half of it, and you wave a flag celebrating it. The only true freedom you find, is when you realize and come to terms with the fact that you are completely and unapologetically f@%ked, and then you are free to float around the system.-Doug Stanhope
Posted on: Fri, 04 Apr 2014 13:51:49 +0000

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