FRIDAY, the 13th, is DAY OF FREYA, THE GERMANIAN GODDESS OF LOVE = VENUS !! This was the meaning since the Chaldaens! The Matrix of 13th is the "Portal" from shadow existence to a total nondual statue, without judging and paradigms! But this freedom was not wished by the ruling governers and thatswhy the date "friday, the 13th" was told as a day of accident, misfortune, for suppressing People with fear! But now we live in a new era of universe, where fears do not rule, and love could start again! VENUS or FREYA could come into her strenght and Beauty !!! (Some times agao I choosed some new spiritual names for my new identity: RAHEL NATHALIE because I "planned" this Name for a third "birth Project" for an expected daughter, after my already born daughters have the names REBECCA SOPHIE and RAPHAELA MARIE ! After a divorce and because two children were enough and after my own resurrection after a brain Tumor and before leading an integral Salon ... I decided to use this "birth Project Name" for myself! FREYA I choosed because she is the Germanian representitive of the angel Gabriel, the communication energy, which refers to my Soul role as "sage Soul with communication as main Passion"! (And after Freya von Moltke, one very brave intelligent women of the german Anti-Hitler resistance!) And the last one is ISIS, the "women who had to heal her broken husband by putting together all pieces"! That Mythos is representing the relationships between the feminine world of healing and the masculine world of destructing warriors! Her husbund was cut into pieces by his own brother! Symbol of just our mankind! But with the good Option because we just live in CHIRON times!! His Task is to mediate between the new and uprising principles (uranus) and the old and limiting principles (Saturn)! The new asteroid CHIRON was detected 1977, with a very seldom Orbit, sometimes more near to Uranus, sometimes motre near to Saturn! And in an Maya calendar typology I got as my Task to: Bring the message of MALDEK to the sun!! Maldek is the mythological planet which was told to be between earth and Jupiter (where now is still an Asteroid belt). And the energetic Task was to mediate the energies of VENUS and MARS !! Since MALDEK was destroyed (by some star wars or apocalyps or natural accidents ???) there was that equilibrance destroyed!! So, I just honor this FRIDAY, the 13th, date of FREYA and VENUS, ISIS !! And it seems it has also some very deep Special importance and meanings !!!
Posted on: Fri, 13 Sep 2013 21:52:33 +0000

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