~ FRIEND OF THE VETERANS ~ YOUR CORRUPTED LYING ASS, JOHN! John McCain - Hanoi John CORRUPTION IN D.C. John McCain was pardoned by Pres Nixon for War Crimes.... Rid AZ from the likes of Traitorous Vietnam Song Birds like McCain. This criminal bastard has no right to be in the Senate. New Video Describes Senator John McCain’s Treasonous Collaboration With The Enemy ~ Cost U.S. Military Lives. {Responsible for killing our military lives If you thought Senator John McCain was a traitor for writing the NDAA 2012 indefinite detention sections then you will be even more disgusted with McCain when you watch the video uploaded to YouTube on November 15, 2012. In the video a letter by Sgt. Maj. Holland describes the collaboration with the enemy by McCain. The video also provides interview footage of COL Earl Hopper. Some of the allegations: - Gave order of battle information to the enemy in exchange for individual medical care that was not available to the other POWs. - Joined several other turncoats in freely making radio broadcast for the enemy knowing they were being used to effect the moral of American troops. - Gave unauthorized interviews to foreign nationals and to ease their efforts McCain spoke to them in their native language. - After McCain provide his information to the North Vietnamese, the number of U.S. air craft being shot down dramatically increased. Colonel Ted Guy, United States Air Force, another returned POW was in the process of drawing up charges against McCain and other turncoats when President Nixon gave a blanket pardon to all who had committed offenses while incarcerated as POWs during the Vietnam war. Watch the video here: The Real John McCain, ARIZONA SENATOR & POS!!! https://youtube/watch?v=iJkudHUWEPk&feature=youtu.be
Posted on: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 00:51:05 +0000

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