FRIENDS PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING ARTICLE. IT IS VITAL TO OUR COUNTRY AND OUR CITIZENS. We need to put pressure on our government to ENSURE that the probe is done. Please sign the petition and email our representative direct. I have added email addresses of the people that need to hear from us about what WE, the citizens want. It is extremely important that the probe is done, not only will it rid our country of Islamic moslem traitors but it will be letting them know, that we know and understand their strategy and we will not let it happen in Canada. Calling the Brotherhood the “antithesis “of Canadian laws and values, the study urged Ottawa to deny public support and charity status of organizations aligned with the group, which promotes political Islam as an alternative to Western style democracy. The report is “intended to focus public attention on the requirement to have a national level discussion on the Muslim Brotherhood and its role in Canada, said Tom Quiggin, the former Privy Council intelligence analyst who authored the study. “We are aware that the UK is doing a review on the MB. We will be determining any possible next steps in short order,” Adam Hodge , the spokesman for Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird, told the National Post on Monday. Writing in the Winnipeg Free Press on May 16th, Mr. Gardee called an article co-authored by Mr Quiggin, a “ conspiracy- laden diatribe that in a sweeping stroke, smeared our long standing Canadian organization as ‘terrorist’ and despicably we want to destroy Canada from within. Mr. Quiggins report lists several other Canadian organizations –some of them federally- regulated Charities – that he says are aligned with the Muslim Brotherhood. Key executives have left Canada to take positions with the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and Syria. Stephen Harper E-Mail: [email protected] Chris Alexander Minister of Citizenship and Immigration E-Mail: [email protected] John Baird Minister of Foreign Affairs E-Mail: [email protected] Peter MacKay Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada.Email [email protected] Steven Blaney Minister of Veterans Affairs & Minister of Public Safety Email: [email protected]
Posted on: Mon, 02 Jun 2014 00:52:58 +0000

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