FRIENDS: THE SPIRIT OF ELIJAH IS HERE! PREPARATION FOR FULL COMING OF THE LORD The ministry of John the B A P T I S E R was “IN THE (same) POWER AND SPIRIT OF ELIJAH, THE PROPHET.” LUKE 1:17 Why was he sent before the coming of Jesus? Like Elijah, John was sent TO RESTORE THE TRUE PRIESTHOOD ORDER, the EVERLASTING PRIESTHOOD TO GOD. John came calling God’s people to a NEW ORDER, COME OUT OF HER (the false church system) and MAKE YOURSELF R E A D Y for the LORD’S coming. HOW WAS JOHN THE BAPTIZER PREPARED ? John’s preparation for the ministry did not happen in the old established church order of his day. The word says, THE CHILD GREW, AND BECAME STRONG IN SPIRIT, AND WAS IN THE DESERTS ‘TIL THE DAY OF HIS SHOWING UNTO ISRAEL. LUKE 1:80. So HIS TRAINING (like Moses was in the wilderness, an uninhabited place outside the church order, and so it will be today for those called to the new priesthood In Christ until the manifestation of the matured sons.) John was sent from God to be THE FORERUNNER of the first coming of the Lord and his message was n o t signs and wonders, but R E P E N T A N C E (of sins). What manner of ministry and ministers ought we to be today? The same as John the Baptizer, in who was fulfilled the preparation for the way of the Lord – to make his highways s t r a i g h t (it had become crooked and polluted). MATTHEW.3:1-3; Malachi 3:1 JOHN was CALLED AS A PROPHET OF THE LORD, and LIKE THE UNIQUE PROPHET, JESUS, THE CHRIST, HE LIVED A SIMPLE LIFE. His food was basic (carob and wild honey) and his clothing was made of camel’s hair, not like the so-called priests of today who wear expensive garments and live in fancy places. Why did Jesus eulogize John the baptizer? Because he performed the full will of God and put God first in his life! He said of John, WHAT WENT YOU OUT TO SEE? A man clothed in soft raiment (like women)?” “BEHOLD, THEY THAT WEAR SOFT (fine) CLOTHING are in KING’S HOUSES” (MATTHEW. 11:8 Amp. tr.) He did not even have a certain dwelling place, the desert was his home; he was like Jesus, who had “no certain place to lay his head.” Matt.8:20 A true prophet of God will be willing to leave all things for the sake of the Lord too! The measure of our LOVE for the LORD is not by how much we can receive, but rather by how much of self, our prosperity, even our very life, we are willing to lay down for the sake of the Father that he may be glorified and become our all in all. This is the secret of why the early first church prospered In Christ and had the P O W E R of God in their midst. God blessed them because they respected the apostles and their doctrine who were trained by Jesus for the ministry of the Gospel of the Kingdom of God. The New Testament Church, born on the Day of Pentecost was taught by the APOSTLES AND PROPHETS SIMPLICITY AND SACRIFICE IN LIVING, for it says, “They had everything in common. They sold their land and property and distributed the price among all, according as any had need.” ACTS 2:44-45, MARK 10:21, 28-30 James said: “ELIJAH was A MAN, BUT WHEN HE PRAYED EARNESTLY, HEART-FELT, CONTINUED PRAYER OF A RIGHTEOUS MAN, MAKES TREMENDOUS POWER AVAILABLE – DYNAMIC IN ITS WORKING. JAMES 5:14-16 John had not only a calling of God to the priesthood, but also he had the mantle-anointing like Elijah who had an anointing from God, and his mantle was TAKEN UP BY ELISHA, his successor. But Elisha had to seek this mantle by following his father, Elijah, to be prepared to pick it up when he departed. What he asked for, he received, “THE DOUBLE PORTION OF THE SAME SPIRIT THAT WAS UPON THE FATHER, ELIJAH” 2 KINGS 1:8-14 W H Y THE SPIRIT OF ELIJAH MUST FIRST COME The disciples of Jesus in that day and today are asking us this same question, ‘WHY THE FIRE MESSAGE AND MINISTRY?” Jesus answered it, ‘ELIJAH TRULY SHALL F I R S T COME and R E S T O R E ALL THINGS (IN CHRIST-THE TRUE PRESENCE AND POWER OF THE LORD OUR GOD) to this last day generation! ELIJAH HAS ALREADY COME, IF YOU WILL BELIEVE IT, he said: THIS IS THE DAY OF RESTORATION (meaning-SETTING THINGS RIGHT-STRAIGHT) as Peter preached, ‘THE TIME FOR THE COMPLETE RESTORATION OF ALL THAT GOD SPOKE BY THE M O U T H OF A L L HIS HOLY PROPHETS FOR AGES PAST (and present).” ACTS 3:21 EVERY GENERATION MUST HAVE A N E W M A N I F E S T A T I O N OF THE POWER AND PRESENCE OF GOD, TO KNOW GOD IN REALITY, FOR “OUR GOD IS A C O N S U M I N G FIRE!” He is R E A L ! HEBREWS 12:29; DEUTERONOMY.4:24
Posted on: Sat, 19 Oct 2013 20:38:01 +0000

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