FRIST BIBLE LESSON: FRIST CORINTHIANS 5:11 But rather I wrote to - TopicsExpress


FRIST BIBLE LESSON: FRIST CORINTHIANS 5:11 But rather I wrote to you not to associate with anyone who is called a brother if he is guilty of immorality or greed, or is an idolater, reviler, drunkard, or robber; do not even eat with such a one. Brethren, have you heard that Biblical instruction and warning? You must not keep company with any person called a brother who is a fornicator, a drunkard, a liar, a thief, a deceiver, any angry person, a dubious character, in short, a lawless fellow, you must not eat with such a person. As you have heard brethren, supposing a robber is your best friend, or a liar is the person assisting you, or a fornicator is your guardian, or let us say that a drunkard is your companion, what are you to do with this scriptural principle? Will you still keep company with such a person because these material advantages, and wrong your creator? If you decide to keep company with such a person who is lawless, what is your hope for the kingdom of God? This lawless man will continue to use your good name to get his favor, in as much as he is your bosom friend. If you continue to keep company with him you are encouraging him to sin. BUT WHEN YOU DISASSOCIATE YOURSELF FROM HIM, YOU ARE FREE. YOU MUST SHUN ALL THOSE WHO PRACTICE EVIL THINGS. Let us take the example of Jonah God commissioned to go to Nineveh to deliver the judgment message to them. When Jonah finally came down to Joppa and found a ship going to Tar shish, he paid his fare and boarded the boat. He went down and hid himself in the innermost part of the vessel and proceeded to lie down and sleep. Then God hurled forth a great wind at the sea, and there came to be a great tempest at sea and the there was so much turbulence the ship was about to be wrecked. Therefore the captain of the ship made enquiries to find out what must have been the cause of the fate they were experiencing. After a thorough search Jonah was found to be the one responsible and he was taken out of the ship and thrown overboard into the sea. When this was done, the storm calmed down and the sea became still and quiet. Do you see what could result if you keep company with anyone who is disobedient to God’s instructions? THIS IS WHAT CAN HAPPEN IF YOU KEEP COMPANY WITH FORNICATORS, LIARS, DRUNKARDS, AND ALL KINDS OF LAWMESS PEOPLE. Another example, which serves as warning to us, is the case of Achan. Because Achan, the whole house of Israel suffered defeat in battle. The people inquired and they were told that they were tolerating things meant for destruction in their midst, and except they removed that thing meant for destruction from their midst, they would not prove successful. Lots were cast and Achan was found to be guilty and he was brought out with his whole household and stoned to death. THEREFORE THOSE WHO KEEP COMPANY WITH SINNERS MUST SHARE THE SAME PUNISHMENT WITH THEM. The Lord was annoyed because Achan was allowed to remain in their midst, a man who had coveted things meant for destruction which he took as his personal property. LIKEWISE IF YOU CONDONE A LAWLESS FELLOW JUST BECAUSE OF SOME MATERIAL ADVANTAGES, YOU MUST BE PREPARED TO SUFFER ALONG WITH HIM.
Posted on: Mon, 29 Jul 2013 18:41:45 +0000

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