FROM A FB FRIENDS PAGE Maxine Waters: Shariah Law Is Compatible - TopicsExpress


FROM A FB FRIENDS PAGE Maxine Waters: Shariah Law Is Compatible With U.S. Constitution You Bigots Maxine Waters is under the impression that Shariah Law can be implemented while our U.S. Constitution is in effect. Anyone who disagrees is an Islamophobe and a hater according to her. Democrats like Maxine have been pushing that message for years and it’s taken hold. Congresswoman Waters accused Republicans of attacking the Islamic faith as a national security threat. That’s patently untrue. It is not Islamic faith Republicans have a problem with, it is radical Islam but she conveniently left that out. She said that fear tactics accusing Muslims of trying to spread tenets of Shariah into our government has spurred legislation to ban Shariah. She attacked Rep. Peter King and other Republicans for his hearings on RADICAL Islam. His hearings concerned radical groups like al-Shabob but Maxine claimed it was Islam. She said she is pushing legislation to ban any racial profiling. If the people who are trying to kill you are radical Muslims, should you go into senior citizen complexes or Knights of Columbus halls looking for possible terrorists? Maxine’s view of racial profiling is extreme. Maxine sees the American Constitution and Shariah as nonconflicting. However, having two sets of laws – Shariah and the U.S. justice system – is in of itself a conflict. Maxine minimized the threat of radical Islam and said the Muslim community is actively working with law enforcement. The biggest problem with her speech is she thinks Shariah law is consistent with the U.S. constitution. She equates any anti-Shariah law as hate. At the end of the video, she quoted Daniel Mach of the ACLU (an organization filled with communists and anti-Christian activists) as saying Shariah equals Islam and Muslims and a vote against one is a vote against another. Mach also said that anti-Sharia laws are “motivated by anti-Muslim bigotry, plain and simple.” In other words, don’t offer any dissent or try to keep our rule of law in tact or you are a bigot. It’s easy to dismiss anything related to Muslims as bigotry but when they insist, for example, that our free speech laws be amended, they give lie to their protestations that Shariah is congruent with the U.S. Constitution
Posted on: Wed, 17 Sep 2014 23:38:00 +0000

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