FROM CHAPTER 10 - The self, death and the afterlife Chad - TopicsExpress


FROM CHAPTER 10 - The self, death and the afterlife Chad Meister Introducing Philosophy of Religion (Routledge: 2009) p. 205 Questions for review/discussion 1 Which view of the self do you find most persuasive? What are your reasons? 2 Do you agree with the materialist argument that since there is neural dependence on mental activity (being drunk affects one’s ability to reason, for example) there is no need to posit some additional immaterial mind or soul to account for reason, emotion, will, or consciousness? Why? How might a dualist respond? 3 Explain the knowledge argument. Do you find it persuasive? Why or why not? 4 Do you believe in life after death? State your reasons for believing what you do about this matter. 5 What are some reasons for believing in reincarnation and karma? Evaluate one or two of those reasons. 6 Which argument against immortality do you believe is the strongest? Why? Evaluate the premises of this argument. 7 Of the four arguments for immortality presented in this chapter, the first two include empirical evidence and the latter two include religious/philosophical evidence. With respect to immortality, which type of evidence do you find most persuasive? Why? 8 Do some research on the evidence for near-death experiences (see Further reading and Websites below). Does this evidence make it more plausible to believe in life after death? Why or why not? 9 Do you agree with the claim that eternal life would end up being boring and pointless? What kinds of activities might keep it forever interesting and meaningful? 10 If there is no life after death, does this lead to a nihilistic view of life? Explain.
Posted on: Tue, 26 Aug 2014 10:31:37 +0000

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