FROM COMMITTEE MEMBERS AND THE BOTTOM OF OUR HEARTS THANK YOU Cake stall – Thank you for all those who baked and bought cakes. Special thanks to Julie Blogg and the Malt Shovel for their kind donations Tarmacers Football – Thank you to those that played and those of you who supported. Special thanks to Bancumms to Carmen and Jake and all their customers for their generous donations, Alliance Surfacing and TKP .We hope to make this an annual event. Prize Bingo – Thank you to the Sports Club, those who attended and to those who donated prizes especially Shaun Munday for the TV Table Top Sale – Thanks to the Lambourn Centre and stall holders and buyers Auction Night – Thanks to the wheel for the venue and those that bid and bought. Very special thanks to all those who donated prizes especially Mike Cummins, Midland Quarry, Claire Williams, Shane Swindon Town, The Hare, Jerry, Dave Moss, Jackie Sargent, Ryan Moore and Phil Wright, Teresa and Kevin and Derek Hillier for making this happen. Quiz Night – Thank you to the Malt Shovel for organising. Co-op – Bucket Collection - Beverley Silk – On her fire/glass walk - Nicola Morley – Fundraising on her 40th party night – Ann – Sandwich/Rolls sales at the legion - Mr and Mrs Bradley – Michelle Buttery – Mr Cooper – Keith and Chris Gibbard - Lambourn Junior Sports Football - Thank you for your kind donations But most of all from the committee we would like to say a very big thank you to all the people who have either helped, donated or just attended the event to raise a fantastic amount of just over £6000 to help a special lady and her family who recently lost her fight against cancer. Make us very proud to live in a very caring community and to know so many caring people without your support this would never have been achieved.
Posted on: Sun, 24 Nov 2013 19:07:50 +0000

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