FROM DOREEN She poured her little sister a cup of milk and - TopicsExpress


FROM DOREEN She poured her little sister a cup of milk and brought both her plate and milk over by the television. Sit and eat. Betsy said, running back to get hers. No sooner had she sat down that Maury came back on threatening to reveal the secret information inside the envelope. I knew it! Betsy squealed when it was revealed the man in question was not the babys biological father. In your face! In your face! Betsy screamed at the boob tube. In your face! Scarlett imitated, barely understandable with her mouth full of peanut butter and jelly. Im home! announced Crystal as she opened the door and sauntered in, flashing the girls a broad smile. Oh, my! Betsy commented, Did you meet Joe Jonas? Better! Crystal said biting her lip and plopping her bags down on the table. Better than Joe Jonas?......Taylor Lautner? I met a guy who works at Abercrombie and Fitch! His name is Mark and hes sooooooooooo hot! Crystal blurted. He works where? Abnormal Crumbs and Fish? Is that like a restaurant? Betsy said, perplexed. No silly! Crystal laughed. Abercrombie & Fitch! Its a clothing store ! Betsy eyed the bags suspiciously. You went shopping? she asked. Well, yes and no. Crystal said coyly. The dress I got for free. I did buy the shoes. They were on sale. Only 29 dollars! Whats wrong with the ones youve got? Betsy asked. Theyre not for a date. Now look at this dress! Isnt it gorgeous? Betsy looked at it and nodded her head. It is very pretty but how did you get it for free? Mark gave it to you? Crystal paused for a second. No. I stole it. she said in a low voice so Scarlett wouldnt hear her. Momma would be proud. Betsy said dryly. Thats exactly what I thought too! cried Crystal not noticing the sarcasm in Betsys tone. Thank goodness you didnt get caught! Betsy added, Could you imagine if you went to jail too? Yes, didnt really think about that. Crystal said dismissingly. Well, dont do it again. I cant be with Scarlett by myself. It would attract too much attention.
Posted on: Sun, 03 Aug 2014 10:00:00 +0000

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