FROM IFES DESK NIGERIA TODAY: THE SIN OF MUTINY Early yesterday morning, some young men in the military were served with different degrees of punishment ranging from imprisonment with hard labor to execution; while another was absolutely acquitted. Many differing opinions have been aired by the Nigerian public albeit sentimentally accusing the higher officers in the military of worse and deserving execution also. My personal opinion in the light of this issue or that of anyone else for that matter holds cannot be considered as fair outside the martial law and other aspects of law which guide the affairs of the military. Unfortunately, the majority of the Nigerian populace who pass individual judgments on issues like this are usually ignorant of the code of conduct, rules of engagement and regulations guiding specific establishments. Emotionally-speaking, the death sentence may sound outrageous because these young men are peoples fathers, sons, uncles, husbands, lovers, brothers or friends. It is undoubtedly heartbreaking to realize that a loved one will be lost in a twinkle to die in a most gruesome manner. It is a feeling that has the capacity to haunt one a lifetime. But hear another side of this dilemma ... Truth be told, there are obvious saboteurs within the military forces militating against every effort to stamp out the BH terrorist group in the country. The reality of this hard fact cannot be overlooked; but democratic governance is role-specific and every role is not expected to flow into the other except permitted or promulgated. Wherein a nurse in a hospital is not expected to administer anaesthesia to a patient without being directed by the surgeon, a nurse who acts in this manner is unprofessional by deviating from the ethics of her job. And should be disposed to laid down consequences of prior knowledge even at the time of misdemeanor. Whether the 12 soldiers are right in their views that their commander was compromised to sabotage the team or not; no matter how gallant the world might make them look, they have brazenly tampered with the ethics of their military profession. Understanding military engagement, the first rule is obey the last order even if the commander issuing the order is a GOAT. These officers were too hasty in their reactions which is uncalled for. Anyone else apart from the commander could have been the saboteur; and it is definitely not in their portfolio to determine that. They just cant assume the unlawful judgment on another which is Mutiny in the simplest term. There are ways of registering resentments/grievances within the military command and countless lines of procedures which they may not have bothered to leverage on before attempting to destroy someone who may have been innocent of their premonition. They were and still aware of these consequences and should have braced themselves to face them whether they succeed or fail. At the moment, they are faced with a painful penalty which they
Posted on: Wed, 17 Sep 2014 10:59:45 +0000

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