FROM KOTAKU!!! NEW ASSASSINS CREED GAME: UNITY One of this falls big Assassins Creed games, called or code-named Unity, is set at least partly in 18th-century Paris, according to early leaked screenshots obtained by Kotaku. These screenshots, sent to me by a source who requested anonymity, show Unitys new assassin roaming around what appears to be Paris. You can see Notre Dame, the Seine River, and other Parisian landmarks, and the shots are very clearly from an early version of the game. Whats more, this is just one of two major Assassins Creed games that will be out later this year, according to a number of sources. Unity will be for the current-gen consoles—Xbox One and PS4—while a second game, possibly called or code-named Comet, will be released on Xbox 360 and PS3. Presumably one or both versions will also be on PC. Sorry, Nintendo fans: I havent yet heard anything about Wii U.1 This information comes both from web chatter and our own conversations with developer sources. For months now weve heard rumors and rumblings about what could be the next installment in Ubisofts popular assassin-parkour series, which has been released on an annual schedule for five years now. Theres been a new major Assassins Creed every fall since 2009. Interesting as all this is, the prospect of two major AC games this fall is particularly noteworthy. Some might be excited that Ubisoft is liberating their teams from the shackles of cross-gen development for Unity, which wont have to make any compromises to fit into last-gen hardware. But some critics have already accused Ubisoft of milking the Assassins Creed franchise—in the past five months alone weve seen Black Flag, the mobile game Pirates, the HD remakes of Liberation, and an Assassins Creed board game called Arena. Two new games this fall could add to Assassins Creeds reputation as an overused series. A few weeks ago, rumors about Unity popped up on the gaming forum NeoGAF, and were later corroborated by Examiners Nicholas Gigante, who has been correct about Ubisoft-related rumors in the past. The gist: Unity is one of two Assassins Creed games this fall; Unity is set during the French Revolution; Unity stars an assassin named Arno. This all matches up with rumblings weve heard in conversations with our own developer sources. It also meshes with the screenshots weve obtained (all posted below).2 Last month, Assassins Creed producer Jade Raymond told AdWeek that the next game in the franchise would be set during her favorite historical era. A fake internal e-mail in last years Assassins Creed IV hinted at a number of potential historical settings for future games in the series, one of which was the French Revolution. Last year at E3, Ubisoft boss Yves Guillemot told Kotaku boss Stephen Totilo that they had three Assassins Creeds in development.3 Related Assassins Creeds Wild Fake Email: In-Joke or Tease for the Future? Assassins Creed IV isnt just a pirate adventure, and it doesnt just take place on the high seas. See, theres also a fictional … Read… Ubisoft Has Three Assassins Creeds in Development, Vows Innovation Ubisoft is committed to making a new Assassins Creed game every year and is determined not to see the series collapse from franchise fatigue.… Read… When reached by Kotaku this morning, Ubisoft declined to comment on this story. You can see all of the leaked screenshots below. Its worth noting: these are early screenshots of an unfinished game. The final product will likely look different, and we hear the textures will look much better when Unity is out later this year. (Also, some of these city plazas will probably look less empty.)4 One notable new feature: there are now buttons to parkour up and down. I hear this is part of a new Assassins Creed navigation mechanic that will debut when Unity releases this fall.
Posted on: Wed, 19 Mar 2014 18:36:28 +0000

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