FROM ME PASTOR AUGUSTINE SMART TO YOU. BLOTTING OUT THE HANDWRITING OF ORDINANCES... COLOSSIANS 2:14 Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross; CRUCIFIXION. In the Romans punishment of criminals, they usually killed them on a cross. MAKING OF THE CROSS. To make the cross, the Romans stood a tall wooden pole in the ground. They attached another pole across the top of this pole. HOW THEY CRUCIFIED. They made the criminal put his arms out each side on the cross. Then they hit nails through his hands and into the cross. They did the same with his feet. This was very painful as the criminal hunged on the cross. JUSTIFICATION FOR CRUCIFIXION. The Romans also wrote a record of the criminal’s sins. They put this on the cross with a nail, to justify their crucifixion . Then they leave the criminal on, the cross until he died. RIGHTEOUS GOD AND SINFUL MAN. God made the laws which are in the Old Testament. God is holy. God can only accept holy people. But nobody was able to obey all God’s laws. Lack of complete obedience to God and His law rendered disobedient man sinful and the punishment for sin is to die. ROMANS 6:23 For the wages of sin is death;..... HE TOOK OUR SINFUL RECORD UPON HIMSELF. God sent Christ into this world to live as a man. He was perfect and obeyed all the laws. God could not accuse Christ as he had never sinned. Instead, God put the record of our sins onto Christ’s cross, to justify His death in our stead. HE TOOK MY PLACE AND DIED. God accused Christ of all our sins and God removed from us the record of our sins. Then God gave Christ’s perfect record to us. 2 CORINTHIANS 5:21 For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him. Although Jesus did not commit any sin, He took our sin. He gave us his goodness instead so that we could become eternally fused with God. The death of Christ satisfied the demands of God’s justice. Jesus took the punishment for my sins and yours. The death of Jesus also took away the anger of God against sin and when we trust in Jesus, God DOES NOT still keep a list of our sins. HOW? Our sins were reckoned to him; so as though personally he was no sinner, yet by imputation he was, and God dealt with him as such; for he was made a sacrifice for our sins, a sin offering; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him; that so his righteousness might be imputed to us, and we might be made righteous with such a righteousness as those souls must have whom God will accept. DONT BOAST... WE HAVE NO RIGHTEOUSNESS OF OUR OWN... BUT CARRY JESUSS RIGHTEOUSNESS. Christ was not made sin by any sin inherent in him, in the same way, we are not made righteous by any righteousness inherent in us, but by the righteousness of Christ imputed to us; By grace, through faith, we carry His righteousness and therefore every evil record against us is totally and thoroughly blotted out. Lovest thou me O God!. Thank you Jesus - My hands are clean.
Posted on: Sat, 18 Oct 2014 09:02:53 +0000

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