FROM MOUNT MORIAH TO GOLGOTHA WITH L0VE: I dont fully understand Gods Love!It is too lofty a theme for a mere mortal sinful creature!Yes!We know of John 3:16For God S0 loved the world that he gave his 0NLY begotten son.But rarely do we ponder on these themes seriously.The words S0 and ONLY are superlative in their denotations!And so to demonstrate how it felt in heaven by the Father in GIVING the ONLY Son,GOD chose the Father of our Faith(Abraham).The Test was severe,the trial unbearable,the lesson eternally profound.Today if you ask someone to help and if they say I only have this0ften they dont sacrifice the 0NLY one they have.But God said to us,look ,this is the only treasured possesion I have,but anyway since I love you equally so I will SACRIFICE!In giving Jesus GOD YAHUAH was saying:You my fallen sons and daughters and this innocent Son of God,I love you equally!Many christians will doubt this and thats where Satan want us be.To place a low estimate on yourself.For if we were not worth enough in his sight,Jesus would not have died for us.But it was question of exchange!Value for value!Even though undeserving,man has been elevated higher than when before he fell because of Jesus,who is God!In the equation we find also the law elevated because justice TOOK ITS CAUSE!It was not denied!Although this justice was meted on the LAWGIVER himself instead of the perpetrator---You and me!Oh!What a God! BEAUTIFUL FORESHADOWING:Abraham had one promisedSon----ISAAC. And so the Father HAS ONE BEGOTTEN SON---JESUS. (2)Abrahams son was born uniquely(OLD AGE)... GODs SON (Jesus) was born on earth uniquely(Virgin birth) What a prefiguration!What a typology!What a foreshadowing!What Love! It does not stop there:When Abraham had tied his Son Isaac on the alter,the depiction was this:Abraham was representing God.Isaac was representing Jesus.But when the lamb caught up in the bush came into the picture,the typology shifted from isaac to the lamb.The lamb dying in the stead of Isaac represented Jesus dying in our stead!Then Isaac represented fallen humanity.The experience was a tense one ,I can imagine now looking at ISAAC trembling and gasping for breath as he recalls the knife in his father lifted high ready to cut his throat!Are we not supposed to feel like Isaac?To breath a sigh of relief?God have mercy for we are far from cogitating hard enough to solicit tears of joy in our hearts!We are proud!arrogant and presumptous!Prayerless and easy going! Jesus is far from our thoughts!LORD have mercy! THE GEOGRAPHICAL TYPOLOGY: Moriah is not the same as Golgotha, but they are very near each other (ca. 300 meters) and have the same height.They are in the SAME mountain range.So yes it is the same AREA.SAME MOUNTAIN ! And the skull of Golgotha is looking directly at Moriah. (see for a picture and information concerning the relationship between Golgotha and Moriah) And he said, Take now your son, your only son Isaac, whom you love, and go to the land of Moriah; and offer him there for a burnt offering upon one of the mounts which I will tell you of. Gen 22,2 As Abraham had arrived in the land of Moriah (area of Jerusalem), the LORD showed him one of the mounts. Abraham did not know where this mount was, though he did know where the land of Moriah was. The sacrifice altar that Abraham made to offer his son as a burnt offering was done on the mount he named JHWH Jireh (The LORD sees). And Abraham called the name of that place JHWH Jireh as it is said to this day, In the mount the LORD is seen. Gen 22,14.What a typology! After traveling three days the LORD showed his friend Abraham the mount where his son would one day be offered as a burnt offering. The LORD knew that if he didnt literally stop Abraham at the last second, he would most certainly have killed his son, for through his faith he was confident that the LORD would raise him up from the dead. He was thereby given a very clear revelation of the death and resurrection of Jesus at the very place where Jesus would one day die on the cross.What a GOD!Praise him! What evidence is there in the scriptures that Golgotha is JHWH Jireh, and not Moriah? Abraham made this mount known to the people in his day, and that is why is was said of this mount even to the days of Moses (as it is said to this day...) In the mount the LORD is seen. Even until the days of Moses people knew of this mount and referred to it as the mount in which the LORD was seen. Is it not likely that it was the shape of this Mount which caused the people to regard it as the Mount in which the LORD is seen? Later, because of the sin of Israel, the land became a wilderness and the mount in which the LORD was seen changed its appearance to looking more like a skull than a groomed head. Slowly as knowledge of this mount was lost, it was no longer called JHWH Jireh but Golgotha (aramaic - skull) and Kranion (greek - cranium (upper part of skull)). But what connection then do the words JHWH Jireh (the LORD sees) have with the mount? What does the LORD see? In Lev. 1 it is written And he shall kill it on the north side of the altar before the LORD. And again he shall offer it... at the door of the temple... before the LORD. The LORD sees the north side of the altar and the LORD sees the door of the temple, for they are both before the LORD, who is personified in the mount which looks like his head, looking directly at the altar and the southern door of the temple. In the days of David the wall of Jerusalem separated Mount Moriah from Golgotha (JHWH Jireh).Oh!Can you see that saints! Jesus was not crucified in the city, at the temple built on Moriah, but rather just outside the city, with a good view of the temple entrance, testified to by those standing on Golgotha seeing the temple veil rip, especially the centurion. Now Jesus, shouting again with a loud voice, yielded up the Spirit. And, behold, the veil of the temple was rent in two from the top to the bottom; and the earth did quake, and the rocks rent; ... Now when the centurion, and they that were with him, watching Jesus, saw the earthquake, and those things that were done, they trembled greatly, saying, Truly this was the Son of God. Matt 27,51 So Jesus, sending out a loud cry, expired. And the curtain of the temple was ripped in two from top to bottom. Now seeing this, the centurion, standing opposite from him, how that in this way he expired, said, Truly this man was the Son of God. Mk 15,37 And the curtain of the temple was ripped in the middle. And having cried with a loud voice, Jesus said, Father, into your hands I commit my spirit. And having said this, he expired. Now the centurion, seeing what happened, glorified God, saying, Certainly this man was righteous. Lk 23,45f-47 The Gospels testify that Jesus died at the very moment the curtain ripped. If someone saw the curtain rip, it could not be testified to that it happened at the very moment Jesus died unless this person was able to see both events at the same time. Mount Moriah is the Mount on which the temple was built (2.Chron 3,1) where today the Dome of the Rock exists. On Mount Moriah the temple faced east. Golgotha is the Mount on which Jesus was crucified. It was named Golgotha (skull) and Kranion (cranium) because it looks like the top part of a skull, the skull-pan. A spot there is called Golgotha,-of old the fathers earlier tongue thus called its name, The skull-pan of a head: Four Books Against Marcion Book II 259 The head is looking directly at where the curtain of the temple once was, southwest. From Golgotha the people gathered there had a close-up view of the temple curtain at the face of the temple ripping on Mount Moriah just 300 meters away. Brothers and sisters,Never doubt Gods Love!Never place a low estimate on yourself!You were bought at a price_--JESUS!From Moriah to golgotha with love indeed!
Posted on: Wed, 09 Jul 2014 15:19:04 +0000

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