FROM MY SPONSER !~~ I have been hearing Leaders in my industry - TopicsExpress


FROM MY SPONSER !~~ I have been hearing Leaders in my industry Knockin ILN saying things like Whats this $20 in 24, who wants that commission? Well, let me say this, ILN is WAY more than $20 commissions. First Leaders dont knock other marketers... and when a WHOLE slew of people are tired of not even being able to make money ... We were tired of hearing You need to Upgrade or I wont even acknowledge your existence Or You arent SERIOUS until You Upgrade. INSTEAD we, At ILN teach How to earn the money NO MATTER what level you are with in our system. We are doing what NO OTHER MARKETING COMPANY ON THE PLANET will do... We give the ACTUAL Proven Methods to Improve our Businesses and LIVES...RIGHT OUT OF THE GATE... Sure we want you to Upgrade, But we arent asking you to do it without SHOWING YOU how to do it. ( and we pay 10% commissions on the Upgrades you dont have yet Just to PROVE IT TO YOU) I came in to ILN on a FREE TRIAL, 3 days later I upgraded to PRO. I went on to have THE BEST MONTH I HAVE EVER HAD in network Marketing. I had a 6 pack day, and have been steady enrolling and learning and teaching and loving every minute of it. Now, I didnt quite Hit where Fraser Hit, But thats okay because I will, and I have HIM helping me And my WHOLE team. This is what happens when You look beyond the $20 commission, and Crush it, no excuses, without Excuses being given to You about how you arent WORTH it because You dont have 5k laying around. Instead We teach you that 5k aint Nothin and as soon as you Commit yourself to the Apprentice level training and the Speed Wealth Training it becomes OBVIOUS.. Obvious that Very soon You will have all the Money you need to Do all those things You couldnt do before. Many of you are reading this right now, that took a look at ILN with me last month, some even signed up for the trial and never even looked at the back office.. Since then I have earned $280. THATs My Light Bill and My Water Bill.. That FEELS GOOD. It feels far better than Anything I have done YET. The ethical standards I make endless video about, the being able to TRUST your Upline with your teammates, the Being able to TRUST that the company isnt going to send sales copy to my team for products we dont make a commission off of. No more Free Webinars where you are treated like a fish in a bucket, when you know deep inside that behind the scenes They are saying Heres my pond, those fish have Credit Cards, Go get em. When You get those INSANE Income Tax Charges from your company every single time you earn a commission, You know the ones.. We charge You $2.00 every time we pay you and thats not including your banks fees, We just need you to know that we cant really make a profit until we have FULLY Nickeled and Dimed you to death.... Well The BUCK stops Here FOLKS.... Get serious Lock arms with me and Lets run! We have a Place where ETHICS and WEALTH are EQUAL. https://hoverson.infusionsoft/go/speedwealth/iln12729/ Use the code Secret7 so you can access this amazing Coaching and markting program free for 7 days (And Unlimited Customizable Blogs!). I am holding a Private Team Hangout tonight at 7 pm est. So you can jump on that as well and we will work together to Get you started on the right Track!
Posted on: Tue, 01 Apr 2014 23:02:49 +0000

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