FROM MY STATUS UPDATE: MY FIRST MARTIAL ARTS PUBLIC VIDEO HAS BECOME A MEMORABLE ONE FOR ME: In 2012 I met a Filipino-Chinese MA master/journalist, James U. Sy Jr., through my Sensei in Korean Tang Soo Do, GM Elmer V. Montoyo, whos also a Tapado GM. I Invited them to visit my place & they came with another Tapado master, Joeffrey Deriada. We had lunch & we exchanged ideas about martial arts. I had been in a long retirement due to previous illness & I had a lot of body handicaps that prevented me from actively practicing MA. I had a torn ligament in my left leg due to a motorcycle accident in 1991 when I was hit from behind by an 18-wheeler truck & dragged on the highway for 45 meters (with my Honda 350 cc motorcycle). I survived, although I was unable to walk well for 3 months. I also had left kidney surgery in 2005 due to a stag-horn kidney stone which made my left oblique muscles very tight. Another disease brought about by too much physical work & unhealthy eating habits in the past, osteo-arthritis, had made my shoulders, 2nd lumbar, knees, & legs quite unfit for MA practice. I used to do moderate exercises only in order to lessen the pain, but not much advanced techniques anymore. Master James invited me to go back to the martial arts world & share some of my knowledge which I just kept for decades & never shared with others except my close friends & family. I declined & told him that Im already laus (synonymous to useless). We did some demonstrations & he encouraged me some more. Hes a very convincing man, full of wisdom & I eventually agreed. That was the beginning of a journey that proved advantageous for me... I showed a little of whats left of my skills through public demos, You Tube & Facebook (FB) videos, & I made new friends & met MA brothers & sisters thru FB. My Garrote Y Lanza (GYL) got recognized by Intercontinental Federation of Filipino Martial Arts Schools (IFFMAS) & in January 20,2014, 3 days after my 60th birthday, my Dos Palos (DP) got recognized too & despite my personal hesitation about it all, I got promoted in Filipino Tang Soo Do too. I thank my Sensei & the Board of Directors for everything, most of all to GOD for being so gracious to me! Its the 2nd anniversary of my 1st public video & Ive made more than 100 videos in that span of time. My health got better, my flexibility improved as shown by my videos & pictures, I have more friends now & I thank you for liking my posts... youve encouraged me to practice diligently & I reaped the benefits too. GOD BLESS US ALL! Rev. Gau, Jr.- GM/Founder of GYL & DP (July 30, 2014).
Posted on: Fri, 01 Aug 2014 01:53:16 +0000

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