FROM ONE DOG LOVER TO ANOTHER… One advantage to living here - TopicsExpress


FROM ONE DOG LOVER TO ANOTHER… One advantage to living here at the Windhill Apartments is that we have the privilege of having pets. For most of us, our dog(s) is a much-loved and often-spoiled member of our family. But we sometimes forget that we are part of a larger community. Here are some tips on how we can be more courteous towards others. • KEEP YOUR DOG ON A LEASH…your puppy might be cute running around the parking lot, but it won’t be so cute when a car suddenly comes around the corner and mangles it. It depends on you to teach it and keep it safe. It is also respectful towards others. I met a little Chihuahua the other day that had suffered quite a fright after coming across a much bigger UN-leashed dog. It took her some time to recover. • SOCIAL SKILLS…. “ASK FIRST” Do not approach another person’s dog or allow your dog to approach another person’s dog Without Asking First. There are many factors that come into play here but first and foremost, dogs are animals. They have certain breed characteristics in addition to their learned behavior and individual personality. It is unwise to assume anything about another person’s dog. Of course, we all expect the dogs that live in our community to be people-friendly but take nothing for granted. It’s easy just to “Ask First.” Secondly and also very important, many owners are serious about their training. A well manners dog will sit to greet a human. Please be courteous and allow the owner to carry through with their training. We can all benefit from the social opportunities presented to us and our dogs with contact between other and their dogs, but let’s be polite! Ask first and take your cue from the owner. Note: If a dog is relaxing peacefully on its balcony or patio, it considers that part of its home. Please respect her space and do not tease it through the fence. That is cruel and it may also perceive your actions to be threatening it or its home. *TRAINING…A well trained dog is one that everyone can appreciate. Please Do Not Beat Your Dog! There are ways of correcting your dog’s behavior without Beating it. If you are frustrated or at the end of your rope, there are places that offer Advice over the phone, or call your vet for a referral. Often “Pet smart” has trainers To answer questions. In extreme cases, you may even want to consult an animal Behaviorist. Your dog probably wants to please you more than anything in the World. The internet is also a good source of information. *Poop Scooping…you’ve heard it a hundred times….but did you know that Roundworms, whipworms and bacteria, such as salmonella, can be spread to other Dogs and humans if you don’t scoop? Your beloved pouch is at risk by others who Don’t scoop….and if you don’t scoop, you are putting others at risk, too. Not to Mention that nobody likes to “step out” and “step in.” Enjoy your dogs company and at the same time enjoy your environment and keep it, and the people who share it, safe. ….thousands of healthy dogs and cats are being euthanized across the US. You can do your part to reduce unnecessary death by spaying or neutering your pet and or adopting a homeless pet. petfinder is a great resource for finding both purebred and mixed-breed Dogs and cats. 3-22-2005 – This letter was given to us by one of the pet owners here at Windhill to share with us all. I was very impressed with the information and the ideas shared. I thought it was good for both pet owners and non pet owners the read. Thank you for caring enough to write! Windhill Management
Posted on: Tue, 28 Jan 2014 15:52:19 +0000

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