FROM PASTOR BERNI We are familiar with the saying, “Everything - TopicsExpress


FROM PASTOR BERNI We are familiar with the saying, “Everything I learned, I learned in kindergarten.” One of the first things they teach you is that whenever you go anywhere, you use the “buddy system.” You go two-by-two. Two-by-two is used by a lot of different church groups, most often associated with evangelism or outreach. Let me suggest a form of the “buddy system” that could be used in either outreach to those who are looking for a fellowship to belong to, as well as a way to get to know fellow church people better. Every one of us has certain activities that we enjoy doing. Let me suggest that you try to “buddy up” while doing these enjoyable activities. You could introduce someone to a new activity, as well as learn more about each other. Let me give some examples and opportunities. Several years ago, I was going to a professional leaders conference with other Lutheran pastors and their spouses. My friend Warren brought his recumbent bike along to let people go for little rides. It suited me so well that I borrowed one of his other recumbents and have now been riding recumbents regularly for well over ten years. It has kept me fit and able to enjoy my community wherever I have lived. I have shared my love for recumbents with a few people from the congregation, too. When the weather cools down a little, I am going to go out riding with my church friends and a few community people, too. Our Sewing Sisters have invited some friends who are new to the church or neighbors to join in the fun on every other Friday morning. This is great fun, fellowship, and provides a service to the community for those who receive the quilts that they make. Nicole Kelly wanted to have a laywoman’s daytime regular Bible Study, so she invited a couple of church ladies. She also encouraged me to provide devotions on the weekly scripture texts for the newsletter. The study continues to grow, even after Nicole has moved away. Both regular churchgoers, as well as friends in the community have been invited to attend and join. Bobby Teague, among others, enjoys going “metal detecting.” He has access to more than one detector. He invited Jenelle to give it a try. I hear that she had a great time, and even found a few “treasures.” The “buddy system” was used by Jesus and the early church to both draw people into the fellowship, as well as give disciples a chance to get to know each other better. I recently bumped into my old coin collection, which was one of the ways that I got interested in history. I know that every one of us has some special interests that help define who we are. I would like all of us to consider whom we might invite to “buddy up” with us when we enjoy one of our regular activities. My father-in-law, Tom, was visiting with us for a week. He loves to check out good ice cream joints so we took him to Brock’s in Yuba City. We weren’t sure which of the many delicious flavors to choose, so the server suggested we try the Blizzard, which is six flavors and six toppings. I assumed we would share this between the three of us—WRONG! Tom had one by himself, and Linda and I shared one, too. This was equivalent to running a marathon for me. I won’t be eating another Blizzard for about EVER, but it was an adventure we won’t soon forget. So, whether you partake in something serious or something silly, follow in Jesus’ footsteps and take time to “BUDDY UP!” Be sure to let us know about some of your buddy experiences so we can share some of them in the Flame.
Posted on: Mon, 08 Jul 2013 14:15:56 +0000

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