‘FROM RICE, LAND, UREA, APPLES, FORESTS – PDP HAVE STOLEN EVERYTHING’ : OMAR ABDULLAH SRINAGAR,Nov 08: National Conference Working President Omar Abdullah Saturday said that PDP had evolved as an amalgam of swindlers of all colours and shapes and that the PDP General Secretary’s conviction by a CBI court in a case of graft on Friday showcases PDP’s true character and goal in politics. While addressing party workers and office bearers from Sonawar Constituency in Srinagar today, Omar Abdullah said that PDP leaders had been found involved in robbing everything from rice to land to apples to forests and now to fertilizers. “There is nothing that PDP leaders have left untouched when it comes to their insatiable hunger for money. With their General Secretary’s conviction by CBI, It seems that air is now the only commodity that PDP has not robbed and misappropriated. However, knowing PDP’s penchant for corruption and embezzlement, I wouldn’t be surprised if Mufti Sayeed and his ‘consultants on corruption’ soon find a way to embezzle atmospheric air as well. Their leaders have not only stolen rice meant for the poor and needy but also stolen the rice-bags meant to distribute that rice. Such is the outstanding caliber of PDP’s choicest new faces in politics. Lo and behold, today they have also officially been honored with a gold medal of corruption in stealing fertilizers and that is a new addition to the list of rice, windfall apples, forests and custodian land”, Omar Abdullah said while addressing party workers and youth activists from Sonawar in Srinagar.
Posted on: Sat, 08 Nov 2014 14:04:50 +0000

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