FROM STOCKHOLM TO RIO. THE TEACHINGS OF BISHOP DAVID HILL/THE LORD ELIJAH.PLEASE LISTEN TO OUR GOSPEL ON YOUTUBE. @ -- The keys to understanding is listening to the message below. In the same year that the Lord Elijah came to Guyana, 1972 the World Politicians was meeting in the first World Summit in a Bid to save the Earth, in Stockholm, Sweden 48 World Leaders was at that first meeting, it did nothing. They told the world that over 44 Million People died in world war two, and with Pollution we have poison the whole Earth, the water, air, the Land, and Billions of people are going to die. So we must do every thing we can as fast as possible. Richard Nixon 1972. Death, Disease, and sickness are in our food, medicine that is to heal us kill us. Let us look only to the Lord Elijah. Psa 20:7-9. Psa 103:2-3 For we know that the whole world lieth in wickedness. 1 John 5:19 – Genesis 6:11-12. A Global – Warning was given at Stockholm. The Greenhouse has already arrived. The Earth will heat irreversible, in other words, the world scientists say the earth is going to get so hot due to the poison, Pollution, a doubling of Carbon Dioxide over two third of all Humans born on earth will die in one Day. Rev 16:8-9 Rev 9:17-18. – 2 Peter 3:10-11-12-13. Now we are to see all cultivation come to an end. Revelation 8:7. Nothing will grow. No farming. NO one will eat, any scientists that believe the earth will warm is called a greenhouse science. The people that believed Noah was preaching the truth were called the Boat people. The people that Believe the Lord ELIJAH that fire will come from Heaven, are called, and chosen, and faithful. Rev 17:14 – Isa 53:1. Who hath believed our Report? Ps 107:17. The 48 Nations that was at Stockholm rejected these scientists as greenhouse Politics and Agnostics Politicians. But this was in 1972, 20 years ago. January 13,1990 was the hottest day the earth have ever seen in history. Sen. Al Gore in his book. “Earth in the Balance.” The Senator go on to say, the green house effect is the most serious threat that we have ever faced – is it Apocalypse now… I fear it may be the Senator said. Israel, let us read Ps 107:17-18 – Mal 4:1-3 This Earth will soon burn, and the Lord ELIJAH will be not merciful to any wicked transgressors. Ps 59:5 – Ps 101:7- 8- Rev 11:18. The first to die will be the souls in Israel that hold not our teaching. Eze 20:38 - Eze 9:5-6 Please read it again. Especially vs 6 hurt no soul with the mark – “SEAL” and begin at my sanctuary. Jer 44:14 Do you have a desire to walk with the Lord Elijah and escape the fire. ONLY if you are sealed. Rev 7:2-3. Let us read who will be hurt. ONLY those men which have not the seal of the Lord Elijah in their foreheads. Rev 9:4. Rev 14:1. Every soul on earth have a mark “SEAL” the Lord ELIJAH or the Beast. Rev 14:11 – Rev 13:8 – vs. 12. Vs16-18. There are 5.4 Billion People on this Earth, and the earth summit in Rio say it is far far too many. No food, No medicine, No clean water. 144 Leaders of the Nations of the earth signed agenda 21 which formally certifies that a dangerous global warming is in progress. News week June 1, 1992 page 16. These Leaders believe they have seen a great catasterophe, and now see a moral urgency. Is the children of the world wiser the children of the Kingdom.? For more information please call-592-676-6798/219-0430/231-5546, after reading please SHARE.
Posted on: Wed, 14 Jan 2015 09:52:39 +0000

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