FROM THE ATRIUM Over the years, there has often ben mention of - TopicsExpress


FROM THE ATRIUM Over the years, there has often ben mention of those Spiritual Movements that, for the most part, few in the general public have been able to fully understand. These have been Pealer Group, The Lamplighter Society and The Atrium. Pealer Groups main concern was to break the Chains that bind mankind, remove the illusion that we are but helpless puppets or slaves, and to AWAKEN US TO THE FACT THAT WE ARE LITTLE GODS! These teachings are nothing new though. These Power Discourses had been taught many thousands of years ago in Atlantis, Lemuria, and in many other cultures -- even much older -- that no longer app\ear in our written history. It is even believed that these Religious Teachings WERE BROUGHT TO THIS PLANET FROM OTHER GALAXIES! Pelaler Group also showed that ALL LIFE COMPLEMENTS ITSELF. Just as all levels of nature are inter-related and depend on one another, so it is also with the Spiritual Planes! The Physical Universe could not exist if it were not for the ENERGY that it is supplied from the Higher Planes; and we, too, are a very necessary implement to the Spiritual Worlds! IT IS ONLY THROUGH US THAT THE GRAND PLAN CAN BE CARRIED OUT! Hence, we become the CO-WORKERS WITH GOD! And while Pealer Group is a Movement of Spiritual Love and Devotion, it has been highly critical of all individuals, Groups, or Institutions that intentionally defraud, mislead, or attempt to enslave. This has been shown throughout the many writings, where It warned Members about several Popular Organizations that endless millions believe in or are dedicated to. Pealer Group was a revised extension of The Lamplighter Society (which many of us have belonged to in one form or another in past lives!). The Lamplighter Society, in addition to the Spiritual Teachings, was responsible for many of the Cultural Developments that history has witnessed. They were active in Health and Education in many countries, and especially in Scotland, England and Italy. All have not been known necessarily as Lamplighters though. While many served under different Units, all Groups were declared to be Sanctioned and all came to be known as Co-Workers with God. This, too, was an extension, where all Members of Pealer Group would become known as Co-Workers with God. It is claimed that this Society was an extension from the Ancient Mystery Schools and that Pythagoras was credited with much of what they taught. The Atrium serves in the capacity of being the continued Voice from the Teachings of the Higher Planes. As we move into a new century, we will soon discover that we are moving into a Higher Cosmic Cycle and with that change will come many changes to our world. For years the Spiritualists have been somewhat aware about some of these changes (which have been recorded in the Akashic Records as a possible future). However the Atrium is a much more positive voice, since it teaches that much of what the Spiritualists believe (such as the shifting of the earths axis) can be avoided due to the actions of the Co-Workers with God and the intervention of the Silent Ones! The Atrium, just as Pealer Group, is highly dedicated to this magnificent Hierarchy of the Silent Ones, who are the Caretakers of the various Planes and Guardians to the Spiritual Worlds of God! Through Pealer Group, a great deal of information has been revealed about those Eternal and Mystifying Beings that Spiritual Masters refer to as THE SILENT ONES. Through some of these writings it has been shown that THEY ARE A SUBLIME GOAL FOR THE HUMAN RACE TO EVOLVE TO! In addition to the information that the Silent Ones EVOLVED to their status, once being very human, just as we are, some of the other astonishing facts about them are: They are Divine Consciousness and do not necessarily need a physical body to manifest into our world, but if they do choose to present themselves in form, it could be as a child, an old man, an animal . . . or even a rock! They can create any illusion that they want and their choice will depend on what Mission that they are on. (Which shows the wide range of Tests that one could be placed under by them!!) Their Hierarchy IS the Angeletic Hierarchy as has been discovered by various Religions. They actually have a Chain of Command that regulates everything from the physical universe to the very Heart of God. They can choose Initiates for training from the ranks of mankind, but it is most likely that they would choose someone who is more Spiritually Aware than most of mankind is. (Which is a signal to us that They would be most prone to be interested in those that are interested in Them!) Although it is taught that all Silent Ones were once just people like you and I, they seldom select anyone that will not try to see beyond the illusions of the world. (Most of Their Initiates are selected from The Seventh Plane -- in our terminology, that would be the same as saying choosing someone that has gone to Heaven and will not be reincarnating.) Their duties are vast and varied, but in our Universe, They are mostly engaged in Maintenance of the Universes and Being a Channel for Cosmic Flow (Spirit). They are composed of five Congresses and in addition to the Cosmic Chain of Command, each of these Congresses have Their own private Chain of Command. This also helps to explain why some Beings that are so vastly involved with Universal Forces, still seem to have time to become involved with some Individuals of the Human Race. It would be through this Training Program that the lower of the Command Chain would become involved witih our personal problems! They will assist many for a multitude of reasons. They could be looking for future possible Candidates, or simply OFFERING ASSISTANCE TO THOSE WHO ARE OFFERING ASSISTANCE TO THEM! Their actions have been recorded by every major religion, although most of these religions could not fully understand Who these Beings were, nor could they understand THE CAPABILITIES of these Great Ones! OUR PLANET HAS BEEN SAVED ENDLESS TIMES FROM CERTAIN DESTRUCTION BY THESE SILENT ONES! The most recent was the incident where Jupiter was bombarded by cosmic fragments!b! There is a writing by Pealer Groujp that points out many of the most obvious SAVES that our planet has gone through in just the last hundred years! Many of the worlds greatest Scientists have even proclaimed certain destruction . . . . . ONLY TO BECOME STUNNED WHEN THE COMET OR COMETS CHANGED DIRECTION !!! (By the way, an interesting observation is that the area of Jupiter that was bombarded hae no significant life [as we know life].) According to another of the Pealer Group writings, THERE ARE MANY SPACE COLONIES STATIONED ON JUPITER! (This was also revealed by the most reverend Institution ECKANKAR, when the autobiography of Darwin Gross was released. It related how more than 5,000 years ago, Darwin had been engaged in saving Individuals that had been trapped in a major war that was raging at that time [beyond earths borders] and took them to safety at one of these Colonies.) Jupiter is also credited with being a Penitentiary planet that was first established by the mother race to the inhabitants of Lemuria. It is also suggested that many of the great villains of the various religions -- such as Satan or Lucifer, and the fallen angels were actually very mortal -- but with highly developed abilities -- AND WERE CAST AWAY into one such penitentiary! Even though the Silent Ones visit millions of people worldwide, it is often very hard for us to rationalize Their Intent or Their purpose for such contacts! It does confuse those who are contacted since there seems to be no rhyme or reason for this event. Sometimes they appear as a great ball of light (such as with Moses, who was spoken to by a burning bush that was not consumed). Or They might appear as a flash or a colored light; or They may choose to stay completely invisible! The only way that an individual would be able to determine that they had been visited (other than seeing the Lights) would be due to the opening of the Third Eye, which occurs when anyone is within their proximity. Although Their Energy will elevate the psychic abilities of an Individual, which in turn opens the Third Eye, that Individual WILL BECOME HIGHLY CONFUSED BY THE SUDDEN ELEVATION! If they are confronted by a person or an animal, the psychic alarm will give off an alert very similar to Deja Vu! If the Silent One is invisible, the Individual may seem to be paralyzed! (The actual reason for this IS NOT due to anything that is being done by the Silent One; this inability to move IS YOUR OWN PROTECTIVE BORDERS SENDING OUT A CODE RED TO YOUR PSYCHIC DEFENSE SYSTEM! Even though you may not be aware that something is happening, YOUR NOW HIGHLY DEVELOPED PSYCHIC ABILITIES ARE AWARE OF THE PRESENCE OF SOMETHING BEYOND ITS CAPABILITIES TO WARD OFF. So, all resources are held at bay by the Brain Command, until the brain can understand this force, or until the Silent One departs.) When we speak of Alien Encounters, we should understand that they are no way as numerous as many people believe! A GREAT DEAL OF THESE ENCOUNTERS CAN BE QUICKLY CLASSIFIED AS A VISIT FROM A SILENT ONE! This can be determined by a flashing light or the inability to move! Anything else that Individuals may add to this description is often to their unprepared surprise and imagination! WE SHOULD ALWAYS REMEMBER THAT SUCH AN ENCOUNTER IS A BLESSING. Once an Individual becomes attuned to these high Vibrations, he will quickly realize that many miracles could occur from such an encounter.
Posted on: Wed, 02 Apr 2014 08:14:51 +0000

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