FROM THE DESK OF THE CLERGY MEDITATION: STRIP OFF EVERY WEIGHT It is medically proven that body weight can be of a problem to the individual. It slows the body down and can cut one’s life short. We often hear experts advising everyone to develop the habit of exercising and take in well balanced meals. Spiritually we are also expected to watch the weight we continually carry about for this will be detrimental to our soul’s health. Just as physical weight problems bring to us barriers to our happiness so will our spiritual weight weigh us down. Christians are spiritual athletes, running a spiritual race. This race can never be completed when we carry weight because it will weigh us down and will hinder our successful completion of the race. In this race we are not looking for positions but rather successful completion. The author of the book of Hebrews in chapter 12:1 reminded all that the Christian life involves hard work. It requires that we give up everything that will distract us or derail us from our faith in Christ. Scripture says ‘... sin easily trips us up....’ Jesus confirmed that he had a heavy burden, a burden of suffering. He was tempted beyond measure yet He never slipped. We are therefore expected to look up to Him, the author and finisher of our faith. This weight are the sins we continually commits. As Jesus pursued what is right, so must we make a conscious effort in deciding to pursue what is right. Most people focus on people and systems in pursuing what is right. As much as our right living should serve our neighbor good, it should be dependant on God’s standard and not the standard of man/systems. We often see people of God compromising their faith for the world. Jesus says we should be able to interpret the present times. The question is, are Christians deliberately refusing to acknowledge the present times? The present times are evil. It is getting closer to the second coming of Christ and as such the Christian should be able to continually keep watch for Him, we are not to sleep. Anyone who desires to successfully accomplish any task needs to undergo some kind of discipline. Paul says he disciplined himself and brought his body into subjection so that he can succeed this life and the life hereafter. To be able to strip off every weight, we must define our objective. Jesus knew His objective. Bible says ‘because of the joy awaiting Him, He endured the cross disregarding its shame, now He is seated in the place of honour beside God’s throne’. Cf: Heb 12:2b Paul also says ‘therefore I run thus: not with uncertainty’ Paul ran aiming at a crown. He therefore disciplined himself so as to become lighter to effectively run the race without being weighed down by any weight. We are today reminded to decide on what is right as per God’s standard and pursue them. Our objective should be to share in Christ glory. We are then expected to do all that we can to achieve that. Prayer Dear God, you created me in your image. I therefore reflect what is good and right. As mirror reflects objects so you desire that I reflect righteousness to the world. Have mercy on me for I have not done what I ought to do. I surrender all my weaknesses unto you and pray for spiritual strength, through which I can over come every weight that tries to weigh me down. Grant me this in Jesus name – Amen
Posted on: Mon, 19 Aug 2013 17:08:32 +0000

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