FROM THE FILES OF: NO SH*T SHERLOCK, Driving to and from St. - TopicsExpress


FROM THE FILES OF: NO SH*T SHERLOCK, Driving to and from St. Louis this weekend brought a major annoyance boiling to the surface once again so here is my public service announcement about it. Attention you as*holes of the world that think your time is more important than mine or anyone else that happens to be driving on the highway...when you see a sign that says ROAD CONSTRUCTION, LEFT LANE CLOSED AHEAD, do us a favor...GET OVER into the other lane when you see these words! DO NOT keep driving in that lane for another mile and then try and cut in at the last second, and certainly DO NOT sit there and act pissed because no one is letting you over because your ass was too superior to follow simple directions when you saw the sign two miles back...douchebag...YOU are the reason cars go from 70mph to 10mph for the next 30 minutes..and whats so important in your day that you just have to get to the stopped traffic a whole two car lengths before me?? How much damn time can you possibly be saving by doing this? Heres the thing, you inconsiderate ass basket....its very simple...and if it makes you feel smarter ill call it a science...the construction crews post these signs a certain distance away for a m.f. reason....and that reason is..IF YOU GET OVER WHEN THE SIGN TELLS YOU TOO, IT WILL NOT DISRUPT THE FLOW OF TRAFFIC!!! Therefore it saves us ALL time and it keeps ol Rick from posting things such as this. Its called common sense...and to that lets all say it together friends....NO SHIT SHERLOCK! Now on a much more polite note, the reason I went to St. Louis was for our annual reunion with my Marine Corps brothers from Naples, Italy. We get together once a year and it rotates year to year from east to west coast. This year we tried a Midwest spot and St. Louis was it. It was a small turnout, but thats not what mattered. Once again it was the celebration and further cementing an already unique bond with some very brave men and meeting their beautiful families. Its something I look forward to each year and something that will never grow old, no matter how many times I hear the same stories :) So to the Marines of Marine Corps Security Force Company Naples Italy I say, SEMPER FI and until we once again assemble to reek havoc upon our livers, you will be in my thoughts. Thank you.
Posted on: Mon, 04 Aug 2014 02:03:04 +0000

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