FROM THE HEART As I lay face down flat, wondering what was - TopicsExpress


FROM THE HEART As I lay face down flat, wondering what was going to happen to me, my heart was at peace, my spirit was smiling; what made this devil so angry? Did he really think he could just end my life so easily? My pregnant wife was shaking in fear, gun pointed to her head, where is the money? Give me your rings! Where are your phones? bring out all your bags? How much is there? That is all we have, please!!! Was her reply, I have given you everything we have. At this point, my wifes shivering intensified. I noticed that the Armed Robber assigned to her was enjoying the way she was expressing fear, it was at that point that he slapped her face mockingly! Of course she was not enjoying it, so she screamed!!! I dont know what got into me-(I guess it was the Holy Spirit), I stood up ignoring the other armed robber whose gun was pointed at me and the cab driver(who was driving us to our destination before the attack); angry like a wounded Lion I walked up to Him, Looked straight into his eyes and said DONT YOU DARE TOUCH MY WIFE I pointed my finger in anger straight at him. shocked & surprised, He looked at His AK47 and wondered if I thought it was a toy-gun, he released a few gun shots into the air. Unruffled and unaffected, I said, Are youu sick, why did you touch my wife? At this point, I noticed that His blood thirsty demon was evoked & unleashed. At this point, He cocked His gun directed it at me and was ready to shoot; truth be told, there was no iota of fear in me, someone-(who I later discovered was the boss of the entire robbery operation) walked and stood in between us, they started speaking a local dialect called Yoruba, arguing amongst themselves(it looked like confusion in the enemys camp to me). I later learned from my wife (who understands a bit of that language), what the boss was saying. The guy I confronted, wanted to be given permission to at least shoot my leg to just teach me a lesson to never challenge a man with a gun, but was denied the pleasure by his boss who rather told him to let us go. As I stood there, i felt God beside me, I heard him say Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous! Do not tremble or be dismayed, for I am the LORD your God, I am with you wherever you go. Joshua 1:9. My pregnant wife at this point was beside the car with her head bent to the ground. The next thing I heard was Hey you, into the car and get out of here before I open my eyes My wife opened the nearest door and hopped into the back seat. In a split second, the cars windscreen & head lights came crashing, the pieces of glass running everywhere, the robber I earlier confronted, took his frustration out on the car. We drove backwards to a comfortable corner where the cab driver turned his car like James Bond in the movies and sped to my inlaws home bcos we were going to visit them. As we got home, I felt happy that my wife & our unborn daughter were safe. Yes, we lost our valuables, but I remember saying NO THAT WAS NOT THE DEAL my wife heard, she probed, but I did not say anything. I wanted my stolen goods back. As I stared into space reminiscing on the events of the day and the previous day in calabar(where I lived), where I met this young, intelligent and charming boy I shared my faith with, and later realized in the course of our discussion that He was a big asset in the Devils kingdom, I shared with him who the devil really was, I told him it was an insult to God our Father, if any born again Christian is scared of the Devil-(whose History is that Of a demoted Angel) I said to this boy with scriptural evidence that Man originally was created in the class of God, yes Man fell, but is now restored through the Blood of Christ! I told him that our fore fathers were so ignorant(or should I say foolish, for lack of a better word) to reduce themselves to worship their servants real Angels. They made things even worse by stooping very low, disregarding their exalted position and gave-in to the craftiness of a demoted angel who was even reduced to an animal(a snake without hands and legs). I asked him if he wanted to be stupid forever? His answer was No!! I led him to say the sinners prayer and welcomed him to the family. The Devil was angry! My short sermon belittled him, He threatened to kill me the next day by road accident on my way to see my in laws. I did not waste my FATHERS time by offering panicky prayers to Him. That same night, as I was Escorting my new convert home, the guy was almost killed, he was attacked by thieves, but managed to escape. So I knew from the turn of events that this was a huge warning from the enemys kingdom. He told me my trip to visit my in laws will be my last day on earth. I ignored him, slept off and woke up the next day to start my journey. I would never forget his whisper you are foolish, so you want to die eh? why cant you just cancel this trip? In the bus my wife held my hand and prayed for the journey. The first sign he showed me that he was in that car was over speeding, the driver was driving at a rate that was scary, I knew if I said anything, it would have confirmed to the devil that I was perhaps scared, so I told him thank you, at least I will get to my destination faster, I believe that it was at this point that he got very angry! In the middle of no where, I noticed that the car stopped, this was a brand new car by all standards, there was no sign of any fault in the car, the Holy Spirit said to me, go out, get into another vehicle, this bus is not going to be fixed soon. My wife and I boarded another vehicle and continued on our journey. It was when we got to Ibadan(our destination) I relaxed, feeling that I had arrived safely that we ran into this armed robbers I talked about at the beginning of this write-up. When we were attacked I heard the devil saying I warned you, but you did not listen, now can you see? When I challenged the armed robber, My spirit was attesting to the fact that I was not afraid of him. As I sat there on the couch at home after the robbery incident, I heard the voice of my mother-in-law saying, Baby-Boy food is served, pls do not worry about anything that was stolen, at least you are alive! I said no! That was not the plan, I need my stolen stuff back she said, what are you talking about? I am talking about my stolen goods, was my reply, pls give me your phone let me call them(the robbers), she felt I was delusional, I actually dialed my phone number, the robbers picked my call miraculously; After what looked like a friendly chat with them, I was told to come to a location at 5am without cops to take back everything that belonged to me. Unfortunately my in laws refused giving me their car to go meet this armed robbers(because they felt it was a trap) When I called my phone at noon time the BOSS said I wasted his whole day as he waited for me at the location we agreed on, at the time we agreed for 25mins but didnt see me there. That was the last time I could access them through the phone they stole from me. God is real, if you trust Him you will see how real He is.
Posted on: Mon, 20 Jan 2014 22:58:18 +0000

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