FROM THE LOS ANGELES TIMES: Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, freed after - TopicsExpress


FROM THE LOS ANGELES TIMES: Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, freed after years of captivity in Afghanistan and returned to active duty this week, has retained an attorney — a military law expert from Yale. Eugene Fidell, who teaches military justice at Yale Law School, told the Los Angeles Times that he has been representing Bergdahl for about a week and is working pro bono. Fidell said he has received a variety of reactions to his decision to work with Bergdahl. There are people who harbor ill will toward my client, Fidell said, but at the same time he has received emails wishing my client well. The American people have a pretty good sense of fellow feeling and sympathy. Its no secret that Sgt. Bergdahl went through an astounding and terrifying ordeal … people are fascinated whether theyre sympathetic or in the vilification business. FROM ABC: “I think it’s important that people, particularly people who have been vilified, have proper representation, and every lawyer has a responsibility to represent even unpopular clients and that’s why I’m involved in this,” Fidell told ABC News. Bergdahl also has an Army lawyer who will be representing him, but he approached Fidell for additional help, Fidell said. READ MORE AT THE LA TIMES: latimes/nation/nationnow/la-na-nn-bergdahl-lawyer-yale-20140716-story.html READ MORE AT ABC: abcnews.go/US/taliban-pow-sgt-bowe-bergdahl-hired-lawyer/story?id=24581110
Posted on: Wed, 16 Jul 2014 19:22:32 +0000

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