FROM THE NATIONAL LEADERSHIP OF THE MOVEMENT TOWARDS SOCIALISM: POLITICAL INSTRUMENT FOR THE SOVEREIGNTY OF THE PEOPLES (MAS-IPSP) Dear Brothers and Sisters, With this letter, and in the name of our brother, President Evo Morales Ayma, the National Leadership of the Movement Towards Socialism: Political Instrument for the Sovereignty of the Peoples (MAS-IPSP) of Bolivia, sends revolutionary greetings to all the comrades and brothers and sisters from the National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa (NUMSA). We greet you in the International Symposium which you are undertaking, where you will discuss vital themes relating to the struggles of the working class, based on the economy of your country. We share with you the common struggle for a dignified salary and for a dignified wage, as these are challenges for our own movements too. We send solidarity for the mine and agricultural workers of South Africa. From the social organizations and social movements and the working class of Bolivia, we salute your decision to explore the creation of a Movement Towards Socialism, in today’s world in which such processes of socialist construction are being generated as people embark on Processes of Change. We greet you and thank you for the invitation, as we apologize to all of you for not being able to attend the Symposium in person Forward with the Struggle for Socialism! Leonida Zurita Vargas Secretary of International Relations National Leadership of the Movement Towards Socialism: Political Instrument for the Sovereignty of the Peoples (MAS-IPSP) of Bolivia La Paz, 5th August 2014 “For a Dignified, Sovereign and Productive Bolivia
Posted on: Thu, 14 Aug 2014 14:58:35 +0000

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