FROSH IS IN 15 DAYS!!!!!!!!! :D So it’s about time I do - TopicsExpress


FROSH IS IN 15 DAYS!!!!!!!!! :D So it’s about time I do this Name: Ana About Yourself: Im SUPER nice very kind as well, also a bit spontaneous, i love cooking, really into health and fitness, also into fashion communication, and I’m super excited to meet a whole bunch of new people this September ^-^ come and say hi if you see me Hometown: Scarborough High School: Sir John A. Macdonald Age: 18 Intended Major: Humanities Favorite Music: Anything thats good… but I mostly gravitate towards Electr0nic Favorite TV show: Favorite apps/Website: Favourite Computer Games: Favourite Food: Sushi Do You Party: Not really Do You Drink: No Do You Smoke: No Into Politics: No Religious: No Ever had a roomate?: No Do you mind having people in your room?: No, as long as theyre nice Night Owl/Early Bird: Both Are Your Grades Important: Of course How often do you talk on the phone?: Everyday Any unusual habbits?: idk Clean or Messy: Extreme clean freak Shy or Outgoing: Depends on who I’m with, where I am and how I feel Lazy or active?: Active Are You Going To Be Working A Job On Or Off Campus: Let’s see how a 30 credit course load goes first
Posted on: Sun, 17 Aug 2014 20:40:59 +0000

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