FROZEN LIGHT ! ==>> FROZEN GOD !! Light travels at 300,000 - TopicsExpress


FROZEN LIGHT ! ==>> FROZEN GOD !! Light travels at 300,000 km/s! (186,000 miles/s). It implies that in just one second light gives more than 7 laps around the Earth. (Note: a meridian has exactly 40,000 Km in length by the definition of the meter). Can you imagine the distance traveled by light in one hour? What about the distance traveled in one day, a week, a year? ° Well, let´s see! In one year light travels a LIGHTYEAR, a gigantic unit of distance. => 1 LIGHTYEAR = 9,500,000,000,000 km (9.5 trillion), or 6,000,000,000,000 miles. ** And yet, in a very large galactic “Magnitude of Scale (as shown in some of the pictures of the mosaic)... LIGHT FREEZES! °° To understand what is meant, think that you are watching a high speed train, but from the window of the ISS (International Space Station), which is at –about- 250 km of altitude. Do you think you would be able to see the train moving, from up there? Impossible! Not even with tremendously powerful binoculars. The train -if detected- would be a static point. SURREALIST EXPERIENCE ! °° Our senses have no understanding of that kind of velocity, because in our “small world” the speed of light is dizzying. However, as you can see (in this mosaic of images presented)… IT TAKES LIGHT 100,000 YEARS TO GET FROM ONE CORNER OF THAT PHOTO (showing just one galaxy), TO THE DIAMETRICALLY OPPOSED SIDE. °° Despite the time that has elapsed since the Romans (2,000 years), or from the construction of the Egyptian pyramids (6,000 years), or from that time when the irrigation channels were built by the Sumerians in Mesopotamia (9,000 years),….in that image, the light which originated -back in those times– in a star, and regardless of which, it is still stuck to that star (for any of those 100,000,000,000 stars that a galaxy has on average). °° Now, if you go to the time when Neanderthals were hunting mastodons (100,000 years ago) , well, now yes! .... Light –finally- had time to cross the galaxy! :O) °° Notice that if you look at the image of the Visible Universe with 93 billion light years across, THE FREEZING EFFECT IS –IMMENSELY- MORE DRAMATIC. °° Until just a few decades ago, we thought that the only galaxy was ours! Galaxies cannot be seen without a powerful telescope. Yet, we suspected that the diffuse light reaching us from Andromeda, and from the Magellan Clouds, could also be galaxies. But, it was not until the 1930´s when the American astronomer Edwin Hubble confirmed that those suspicions were correct. Then, a few years later, the same Mr. Hubble told us that there were not just a few galaxies, but rather 200,000,000,000 of those (in the Visible Universe which has Hubble radius). The number of zeros is correct, no need to hesitate (200 billion galaxies). °° Yet, it takes light more than 3,000,000 years to reach us from our neighboring galaxy (Andromeda), which is -as they say- just around the corner. That is as far back as the first hominids (homo erectus) showed up. °° If we could see planet Earth with a humongous telescope from one of those nearby galaxies, we would -probably- be looking “back in time” to the dinosaurs, which disappeared 65 million years ago. If we could watch Earth from other -even more distant galaxies- we would be seeing the formation of our solar system, which happened 5 billion years ago. And there are millions and millions of galaxies which are –still- far more distant. °°Imagine! In this kind of “Magnitude of Scale of the Visible Universe (shown in the mosaic) the distance between the Milky Way (our galaxy) and Andromeda (our closest galactic neighbor) cannot even be measured since it is less than a pixel. That despite that there is a distance of more than 3,000,000 light years between these two galaxies, or in other words, that is the distance traveled by light in 3 MILLION YEARS… and at breakneck speed! °° Consequently, in that “Magnitude of Scale of the Visible Universe… LIGHT IS “TOTALLY FROZEN”!! In other words, stuck to a small dot, and for millions and millions of years. DO YOU REALIZE THE IMPORTANCE OF THE TOPIC COVERED IN MY TREATISE? 1. Number one, it is unprecedented! It is a book of MODERN PHYSICS applied to Metaphysics / Religion, using Particle Physics, Special Relativity, and Astrophysics. 2. Number two, it concludes that if God were to exist (hypothesis proven ABSURD in the book, using scientific methodology) then this God could not travel in His universe faster than the speed of light. Why? Because, His essence is ENERGY, and He INTERACTS, with us and with “His” universe (X Theory). 3. Number three, that means (according to the Standard Model of Elementary Particles) GOD HAS TO HAVE AN ESSENCE MADE OF SOME KIND OF MIX OF THESE ELEMENTARY PARTICLES. Either that or all we know about Particle Physics and the Standard Model is wrong! 4. Number four, no need to argue what kind of particles are we talking about, because all of them - including those massless- cannot travel faster than light (due to Special Relativity). ** CONCLUSION: It would be needed BILLIONS AND BILLIONS OF GODS as to serve the entire universe, which -as Mr. Hubble informed us (and NASA, and astrophysicists, have corroborated)- is HUGE. Well, even IMMENSE is not the right word, neither HUMONGOUS. We are talking here about a really IRRATIONAL SIZE OF A UNIVERSE! Finally, … Think about it! IF LIGHT IS FROZEN… GOD WOULD BE –THEREFORE- FROZEN!! ** This topic is EXTREMELY INTERESTING, which –to my knowledge- had never been covered before, not even in the Departments of Theoretical Physics of the most prestigious universities. °° Modesty aside, one day this treatise could be categorized as THE BOOK OF THE CENTURY, as far as confronting the holy books. Paradoxes to the other attributes of the divine essence have been discussed in great detail since antiquity, but until a few decades ago there was no good knowledge of astrophysics and elementary particles, which is necessary to be able to engage in a discussion of those divine attributes referred in dogma as IMMENSITY, INSTANTANEITY or UBIQUITY. • As it was mentioned in the book´s Prologue, I hope –frankly- that this treatise would be the coup de grace, or knockout, that Paul Dirac -Nobel Laureate in Physics- wanted Scientists to inflict in those charlatans -of medievalists religions- as to disqualify them. • Or -at least- to ring a wake-up call to those who have enough scientific knowledge to understand what is being said here. That despite that there will always be a large majority who do not understand an iota of what is being here elucidated. A “PEER REVIEW” CALL ! ° Theoretical Physicists, Universities, Federal Agencies, and Scientific Organizations out there! Please, evaluate and scrutinize the postulates of this treatise. If you agree with conclusions, spread the word with peers. If you were to send me –or post on my wall- your honest analysis, I will be all ears. If you write a “review” in Amazon, Barnes and Noble, or on the Facebook group of your choice… you will be helping Science, and the progress of free-thinking skills. Big thanks! • John Xuna (Xoán Xuna in Galician {born in Vigo, Spain} ) • Spaniard/American Engineer, Professor of Physics, Atheist Author.
Posted on: Sat, 19 Jul 2014 08:15:54 +0000

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