FT 1-2 Three loses on the bounce, granted that two of them were - TopicsExpress


FT 1-2 Three loses on the bounce, granted that two of them were against a couple of the best clubs around. Please dont post stuff like If you cant support us when we lose.... as we fans have every right to criticize our club when they are consistently performing at a level nowhere near acceptable. I really hope BR doesnt come out with his normal post loss drivel in his press conference, as I dont think I could take it! Lovrens was shocking, Balotelli went missing, Gerrard was poor....you could go on and on.... Watching that we have to accept that we are a long way behind the likes of Chelski, and Real for that matter, but why? 100M + spent on the squad, poor buys? How long does it take a team to gel? Is this all down to the departure of Suarez? I doubt it. We did fine during his numerous bans. BR needs to take responsibility, they are his buys, the team has his stamp on it now, they are his tactics game in, game out. We lost against Madrid on Tuesday and most fans celebrated like wed won! Thats not right, we deserve and expect better. YNWA JFT96 -MW
Posted on: Sat, 08 Nov 2014 14:46:15 +0000

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